City of Kelowna
Works and Utilities
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Works and Utilities

John Vos

Kelowna’s growth continues to be reflected in the intense activity level of the Works and Utilities Department which oversees road and utility construction and design, transportation and utility planning, and environmental programs, all vital to the comfort of our community.

The overall goal of the department is to ensure proactive planning and maintenance of the City’s infrastructure take place to facilitate cost-effective and timely capital works programs that maximize benefits to the community.

Responsibilities include:

  • major projects including sewer and water installations as well as road construction and improvement projects,
  • review and inspection of subdivisions and land development proposals ensuring the provision of appropriate infrastructure,
  • management of the drainage network, sewage collection and treatment, landfill operations,
  • delivery of water and electrical services in portions of the city,
  • environmental reviews and education programs and, 
  • road maintenance services including repair, cleaning and snow removal.

The Works & Utilities Department has seven divisions: