City of Kelowna
South Rutland Sewer
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South Rutland Sewer

Council approved proceeding with the South West Rutland Sewer project at the regular meeting of Monday August 9, 2004. Construction is expected to begin in the spring of 2005 and be complete by the end of 2007.


Over the last few years the City has received an increasing number of calls from property owners in the South Rutland area (South of Hwy 33, North of Mission Creek) who have experienced septic field problems and expressed a desire to have a sewer system installed. The Wastewater Division engaged an engineering firm to investigate the area, to determine the best pipe routes and to estimate total construction costs.

Southwest Rutland Local Service Area

Question and Answer Sheet

Public Consultation
City staff sent letters to all property owners potentially affected by this sewer project, and hosted three public meetings to explain the process and associated costs. To determine the level of interest in having sewer installed through a Local Service Area, a “voting” process was initiated and all the owners were advised how to submit a petition of opposition to the project. The “voting” period started in mid-June and ended on June 26th. Of 1,353 properties affected by this project, 53 valid petitions (approximately 4%) were in opposition to the project; 677 valid petitions were required to stop the project.

Design and Construction
With this indication of support, City Council adopted the bylaw that gives staff direction to proceed with design work this fall (2004) with the intent of starting construction in the spring of 2005.

Since the design is not yet complete the construction schedule is not firm, however proposed timelines suggest sewer services would be installed for all the properties in the Service Area of S.W. Rutland by the end of 2007.

Construction Phasing

Consultant's Project Website

Construction/Payment Schedule Poll Results

Throughout the public process two issues of concern were identified by residents.
1/ Could costs be reduced?
2/ Could sewer service be provided sooner?

Two or Three Years
The schedule originally proposed construction over a three year period. If the construction areas were to be reconfigured, construction could be completed over two years and accomplish both goals.

A shorter construction period would have resulted in a shorter time period to carry the interim debt on the construction costs (i.e. lower interest cost) and this may have saved each homeowner approximately $200.

Community Consultation
To gauge the level of interest in accelerating the construction timing, the City delivered a letter of explanation to all affected property owners asking that they advise the City of their preference by mail, fax, email, voice-mail or in person. As of the end of October 478 responses had been received. Responses were divided with 291 owners (22%) wishing to proceed with an “accelerated” 2-year schedule, and 187 owners (14%) wishing to remain at the 3-year schedule as originally proposed.

Without a strong majority, the City intends to leave the schedule as originally proposed, with a commutation date at the end of 2007.

A letter was sent to all property owners advising that the original commutation date (the end of 2007) will be retained, and that the City will investigate options that may allow those who wish to commute a year earlier to do so. Further communication will advise whether or not this can be arranged.