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City Of Kelowna Grants and Exemptions

Since the criteria for the City’s different grants and exemptions vary, you should read the specific eligibility guidelines for the programs you are interested in. These can be obtained by contacting the staff liaison for each program or by clicking on applicable hyperlinks.

Community Social Development Grants

Grants are available to registered non-profit Kelowna based organizations offering primary prevention programs to reduce the incidence of social breakdown. Programs must be orientated towards groups, preventative in nature and not funded by a senior government. The application deadline is 3:30 p.m. on the last Friday of February.

Grant Application Form
Letter of Agreement
CSD Terms of Reference

For more information contact Theresa Eichler, Community Planning Manager, at (250) 469-8633,

Emergency Grants

Emergency grants may be available to registered non-profit organizations offering social programs in Kelowna, for the purpose of assisting the organizations through a financial crisis. Any monies granted will be short-term bridging funding only and will depend on the availability of funds in the Social Development Grant Reserve. Grants will not exceed $5,000.

Grant Application Form

Letter of Agreement
Emergency Grant Terms of Reference

For more information click here or contact Theresa Eichler, Community Planning Manager, at (250) 469-8633,

Grants for Travelling to a Regional or National Event

Grants are available to registered non-profit sports, arts and cultural organizations to assist with the travel expenses of Kelowna teams and/or individual competitors participating in regional (Western Canada) or national events. Eligible applicants must have won a provincial or regional event. Applications are accepted year round. For more information please all (250) 469-8652 or email

Click here to access an application form

Grants to Address the Sexual Exploitation of Youth

The Planning and Corporate Services Department administers Grants to Address the Sexual Exploitation of Youth. Annual allocations for these grants are based on business licence revenues. Handled by Community Planning, the grants are available to agencies developing programs to combat the sexual exploitation of those under 19 years of age within Kelowna city boundaries. The application deadline is 3:30 p.m. on the last Friday of February.

Grant Application Form

Letter of Agreement
Terms of Reference

For more information contact Theresa Eichler, Community Planning Manager, at (250) 469-8633,

Kelowna Arts Foundation Grant

Each year the City of Kelowna Arts Foundation considers grant applications from non-profit arts and cultural organizations that produce or present annual arts-focused activities within Kelowna.

The application form may be downloaded below or picked up at City Hall, 1435 Water Street, from the main reception desk. Completed application forms should be returned to City Hall, main reception, clearly marked “City of Kelowna Arts Foundation”. Each year the deadline time and date in February (normally the second Friday of that month) are clearly indicated on the application form.

For further information with respect to the Foundation or the application process please contact Dagmar Pearson at, 868-1271 or Earla Henderson at, 250-767-0044.

2006 Arts Foundation Grant Application
Arts Foundation Grant Application Information

Kelowna Heritage Foundation Grants

The Kelowna Heritage Foundation provides grants to heritage building owners for a portion of the expenses incurred in restoration work related to the exterior of their buildings. The Foundation also provides grants to groups or individuals who advance the knowledge and appreciation of the historical and cultural background of the Kelowna area.

For more information: see the Kelowna Heritage Foundation Grant Guidelines or contact Planning and Corporate Services at (250) 469-8626.

Permissive Property Tax Exemptions

Property tax exemptions are available for qualifying registered non-profit Kelowna based organizations using property for municipal recreation, religious, cultural or charitable purposes. The application deadline is August 15th for the following tax year. For more information please contact the Finance Division (250) 469-8757 or

Non-Profit Application Form
Churches, Private Schools, Hospitals Application Form

Sport Event Development Grant

Grants are available to non-profit organizations hosting a provincial, national, international or significant invitational sporting event in Kelowna. Eligible events must either be “new” or an “expansion of a current sporting event” that attract spectators and participants from both in and out of town. Applications are accepted year round and should be submitted three months prior to the event or bid submission deadline.

For more information please contact Reid Oddliefson, Recreation Manager, at (250) 469-8821 or

Click here to access an application form and more information