City of Kelowna
Urban Centre Revitalization
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Urban Centre Revitalization

City Council has endorsed C7 Zone Design Guidelines to address the form and character of new development and re-development within areas zoned C7 Central Business Commercial.  Currently the only area where C7 zoning is applicable is the City Centre (Downtown) area, however, Council has given Third Reading to a Zoning Amendment to establish the framework for C7 zoning in the core of the Rutland Town Centre.  Follow the link below to view the C7 Zone Design Guidelines.

C7 Zone Design Guidelines

City Council recently received Tax Incentive recommendations from staff to stimulate mixed-use developments within specific areas of the Downtown and Rutland Urban Centres. These incentives would provide a moratorium on taxes for new development projects that meet the terms of the proposed programs.

In addition, Council received recommendations for additional Parking Credits that would relax parking requirements for projects in the Downtown core.

Council Report December 13, 2004

Draft Tax Incentive Policy and Area Maps

Draft Parking Credit Policy and Area Map

City Centre Map

Rutland Town Centre Map

Copies of the proposed Tax Incentive and Parking Credit policies are also available from the Planning and Corporate Services Department on the second floor of City Hall.