City of Kelowna
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Island stage sidewalk view of roses and grand in backThe City's Parks Division is responsible for planning, designing, building, maintaining and managing:

  • the City's passive, active and natural parks
  • sportsfields
  • floral displays and hanging baskets
  • urban forests and street trees
  • Kelowna Memorial Park Cemetery
  • and undeveloped City properties.

    The division's responsibilities also include identifying future lands required for parks. In addition the Parks Division coordinates the city's participation in the successful Communities in Bloom program.

    The overall goal of the division is to enhance the quality of life in Kelowna by providing a variety of parks to meet residents' and visitors' needs, to develop strong partnerships that add value to existing services and to build and maintain parks in effective, affordable and environmentally-friendly ways.

    Please see Department Goals at left for a list of specific goals.

    The provision of parks and leisure services has many benefits, benefits that generally focus on the social benefits of community involvement and family activities, and preserving our natural environment and our personal health. Parks and leisure services also provide significant economic returns through tourism.

    Kelowna offers over 180 parks and sportsfields. Whether large or small, natural open spaces or fully developed with dazzling horticultural displays, our parks and sports facilities rank with the best.

    For general information call the Parks Info HOTLINE at 469-8503 or 71-PARKS