City of Kelowna
Post-Fire Recovery Strategy
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Post-Fire Recovery Strategy
The Environment Division awarded a $65,000 contract in April 2004 to Interior Reforestation Co. Ltd. to evaluate restoration opportunities in the wake of the 2003 Okanagan Mountain Park fire, and to provide recommendations for a rehabilitation strategy to mitigate the long-term loss of important ecosystems impacted by the fire.

The "Post Fire Rehabilitation Project" produced a variety of tools to help local government coordinate and focus additional fire re-vegetation and restoration treatments. The tools include:

  1. tree and shrub species that would be effective in post-fire planting projects
  2. upland conifer stocking prescriptions with recommended stocking standards to meet a range of management objectives;
  3. Multiple Attribute Evaluation Framework;
  4. Re-vegetation/Restoration Treatment Decision Chart;
  5. Treatment Opportunity Map
  6. Restoration techniques field book.
These tools, when utilized in future rehabilitation and planning, will assist in the creation of natural self sustaining ecosystems, reduce future risk and provide a beneficial legacy for future generations.

During the progress of this study three areas (Bertram and Lebanon Creek) were restored by Interior Reforestation and the Environment Crew. Wetland areas in neighborhood # 3 are planned for restoration in 2005.

Central Okanagan Post-Fire Rehabilitation Project Report

Treatment Opportunities Map