City of Kelowna
Most Environmentally Friendly School - 2005
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Rutland Senior
Environmental Science

Photo (l-r): Mark Watt (Environment and Solid Waste Manager), Jesslyn and Sabina (Rutland Senior Secondary), Mayor Walter Gray

Rutland Senior Environmental Science Class

Students in Rutland Senior Secondary’s Environmental Science Class participate in many local environmental events initiatives including the Household Hazardous Waste Round-up, the Electronic Waste Round-up, the Environmental Mind Grind trivia contest, the Kokanee in the Classroom Program and the Adopt A Stream Program.This year the Rutland Senior Environmental Science team won the Environmental Mind Grind trivia contest against teams from the North and South Okanagan, and placed second in the most enthusiastic category.

The teachers, Brad Talbot and Doug Grunert, have implemented and coordinated this program for a number of years. They are enthusiastic, dedicated, and invaluable. Each year the class travels to an exotic location for a field trip; in 2005 the class traveled to Costa Rica to scuba dive, snorkel and research local aquatic species.