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Transport Canada

Directive No. 36

Assignment Opportunities

Policy Objective:

To ensure consistency and a common approach within the Civil Aviation Directorate (NCR) with respect to requests for assignment opportunities by Directorate employees.


Assignments provide an opportunity for employees to strengthen skills, develop new skills through on-the-job training, and explore potential career opportunities.

Assignments may be linked to competency requirements, succession planning, and an employee's individual learning plan.

Assignments promote a greater awareness of other organizations within the Directorate, Group and Department.

Management support for these career and personal development opportunities promotes a positive working environment within the Directorate and Department.

Policy Statement:

It is the policy in the Civil Aviation Directorate (NCR) to support requests for employment opportunities, either within Transport Canada or with another Department. These opportunities or assignments will be approved if:

  1. it is an employee's initial request since beginning work in the Directorate;

  2. a period of two (2) years has lapsed since the completion of an employee's previous assignment; or

  3. an opportunity or assignment is presented which, although less than the two years in (b) above, is linked to the employee's personal Learning Plan, competency requirements, and/or succession planning.


This Directive applies to all Civil Aviation indeterminate employees in the NCR and regions. Opportunities presented to term employees will be done through the transfer of the term to the new manager's organization.


The Host Manager will consult with the Home Manager prior to offering an assignment to an employee.

Duration of an assignment will be for a maximum of one (1) year. Approval of requests for a period more than one year will be at the discretion of the Home Manager.

Where possible, assignments to a vacant or risk position should be limited to a single eight (8) month period. This is considered adequate time for the Host Organization to conduct any classification and staffing actions required for the position.

Extensions of assignments under this policy would be considered only under exceptional circumstances or for short periods that may be necessary to allow for completion of work or projects already underway. Other considerations would include the duration of the initial assignment, operational requirements within the Home Organization, and the number of previous assignment opportunities already provided to the employee.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Employees are responsible for:

  • Expressing interest in assignment opportunities on their annual Learning Plan or the yearly Performance Review and Assessment of Potential (PRAP/EPM).
  • Notifying the Home Manager of an assignment opportunity that has been offered or is being considered at least four (4) weeks prior to the start date, unless otherwise agreed to by all parties.
  • Notifying the Home Manager of a request for an extension four to six (4-6) weeks prior to the initial end date.
  • Ensuring that the Home Manager is notified directly of any leave and overtime approved by the Host Manager if the assignment is with another Department.

Host Managers are responsible for:

  • Consulting with the Home Manager prior to approaching or offering an employee an assignment.
  • Consulting with the Home Manager if an extension is required four to six (4-6) weeks prior to the initial end date.
  • Preparing the necessary documents for signature by the employee, Home and Host Managers and Branch Directors, and forwarding signed documents to the applicable Staffing Officer.
  • Completing a "Summary of Performance" for the time of the assignment, in accordance with Departmental guidelines, for the Home Manager to include with the employee's yearly Performance Assessment.

Home Managers are responsible for:

  • Approving an employee's request for an assignment opportunity as described in the Policy Statement above.
  • Determining the best method of staffing the employee's substantive position during his/her absence (e.g. term, casual, acting assignment/appointment from within the unit).
  • Approving a request for extension subject to the duration of the initial request and operational requirements within the Home Organization.
  • Discussing a refusal to an extension with the employee and Host Manager.
  • Determining the appropriateness of future requests by the employee for assignment opportunities.


The Director, Quality and Resource Management is responsible for:

  • Providing expertise and advice on the application of this directive.
  • Monitoring conformance and reporting on the application of the policy.

Further Information:

Robert Sincennes
Director, Quality and Resource Management (AARF)
Telephone: (613) 993-8976
Facsimile: (613) 993-7038

Merlin Preuss
Director General
Civil Aviation

Effective date: April 17, 2003
Expiry date: This directive will be reviewed annually.

Last updated: 2005-10-04 Top of Page Important Notices