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Drive BC

Road Reports
Circle Routes
Border Traffic Waits

Highway Cams

B.C. Distance Calculator

Route Information

Tourist Information

Seasonal Load Restrictions

Disaster Response Routes

Summer Driving Tips

Winter Driving Tips


Tourism BC


Transportation Topics

Other Links
Inland Ferry Routes

Driving and Travel in British Columbia

Drive BC British Columbia. traveller information system.
Road Reports The latest reported conditions for highways in British Columbia.
Circle Routes

Experience a view of BC as enduring as the ancient Rocky Mountains. Choose one of our self-guided circle tours and set off through some of the most spectacular scenery in the world.


The “modern” roundabout has come into favour recently as an effective means of controlling traffic at intersections.

Border Traffic Waits ATIS (Advanced Traveller Information Systems) provides wait times and real-time photos at the Peace Arch and Pacific border crossings.
Highway Cams View current highway conditions on BC Highways.
Inland Ferry Routes Inland Ferry routes and schedules
BC Distance Calculator This distance query program will help you to calculate the distance between destinations British Columbia. 
Route Information Maps and information on popular highway routes.
Tourist Information A starting point for planning your vacation to British Columbia.
Seasonal Load Restrictions Electronic load restriction reports on roads, or portions of roads that have been weakened by excess water in the roadbase, caused by thawing.
Disaster Response Routes Disaster Response Routes are dedicated routes for emergency vehicles and police during a disaster. Learn more about this important program.
Summer Driving Tips Tips on driving B.C.'s highways in the summer, including where to get highway information on the road, and how to "Summerize" your vehicle.
Winter Driving Tips Tips on preparing your car (and yourself) for winter driving in B.C.
Tourism BC British Columbia's travel site.
Transportation Topics

Transportation Topics are a set of fact sheets for public information purposes. They provide detailed answers to common questions about our ministry.

Cycling Information Links and information for B.C. cyclists
Other Organizations

Answers to questions about vehicle insurance, driver licences, driving rules and regulations, road safety, commercial vehicles, towing.

BC Ferries

BC Ferries routes, fares and current conditions.

Road Safety Research

The Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP) is involved in research, management and delivery of road safety programs

BC Automobile Association

The BCAA is affiliated with national auto associations around the world.
Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles
The Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles regulates drivers to help ensure the safe and responsible operation of motor vehicles in British Columbia.