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The “modern” roundabout has come into favour recently as an effective means of controlling traffic at intersections. Roundabouts more effectively minimize delay and have a better safety performance than stop controlled intersections when it comes to high severity collisions. The new roundabouts have improved geometric design over the older roundabout found in North America in the 1960’s and offer overall better performance than their predecessors or intersections.

Included below are two depictions of how the "modern" roundabout works.

Take a look at a video clip of how roundabouts work by clicking in the centre of the diagram on the right.

You will need Windows Media Player and audio capabilities to view this clip which is a 17 MB AVI movie complete with soundtrack.

We wish to acknowledge the City of Lacey for allowing the use of their video "Driving Modern Roundabouts", to provide driver education as to the use of Modern Roundabouts. Note that there will be some slight nuances between the Washington and BC application, however the driving principles are the same.


Watch an animated graphic depiction of how roundabouts work.
The animation shows travel through a roundabout. It currently does not show the pavement markings with the roundabout.

If you have the Flash Plugin for your browser installed, the Flash Movie below will automatically load. If it does not load, the following URL will take you to the BC Government sanctioned location where you can download the Flash plugin to enable your browser to view Flash movies

This Flash Movie is accredited to the region of Waterloo, State of Maryland, Department of Transportation.


Click here to view a site about Alaska's Roundabouts.

The image above and the Alaska Roundabouts website courtesy of Homestead Graphics,
Lounsbury & Associates, State of Alaska DOT & PF

An animation about how large trucks use roundabouts.
Flash | Quicktime

Typical Signing and Pavement Markings for Roundabouts

Single Lane | Multi-lane

Lane Use Signs and Pavement Markings at Roundabouts

Additional Information Sources Regarding Roundabout Operations

ICBC’s Roadsense for Drivers

British Columbia Motor Vehicle Act

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