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Canadian Urban Institute

The Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in urban areas across Canada and internationally. Here you can access discussions on Canadian and International programs. You can find information about upcoming events such as Conferences, Roundtable Breakfast Seminars and the Urban Leadership Series, which provide stimulating discussions on current urban issues. You may also access the various research publications, take advantage of our services and benefits of membership.

  Join Canada’s top decision-makers and urban experts.
Between November 7 and 21, 2006 – CMHC Housing Outlook Conferences
November 23, 2006 – Rebuilding the Local Food Chain: One Step at a Time
December 1, 2006 – COMMUNITY ENERGY INTENSIFICATION: Designing a Practical Climate Change and Air Quality Strategy

  The CUI has extensive international experience in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of local government capacity development and urban management programs.

There are now seven NEW CIDA International Youth Internships positions available. CLICK HERE

Projects have been implemented in countries within the following regions:
Central Europe    
Find out more about International Programs

The Canadian Urban Institute provides contracted research to the private sector, foundations and government organizations.
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2005 CUI Brownie Awards
Toronto City Summit Alliance launches Affordable Housing Coalition

The CUI currently has two Award Programs:
Urban Leadership Awards
Annual event to celebrate the people, groups and organizations that make a significant impact on the public realm.

Brownie Awards
Annual October event to recognize leadership, innovation and environmental sustainability in brownfields redevelopment.


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