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Benefits of Scientific Research on the ISS

The International Space Station provides an opportunity for Canadians to participate in research that simply cannot be completed here on Earth. As a stable space laboratory the ISS provides access for longer-term experiments, not possible on space shuttles or other ground-based microgravity platforms. Canada's use of the International Space Station will be for two main areas of research: Space Life Sciences and Microgravity Sciences. These are two disciplines managed by the Canadian Space Agency under its Space Science Program.

Space Life Science

Microgravity Sciences

Other Potential Space Science Research on ISS

The CSA is also exploring the potential for using ISS for other space science experiments as well, although no plans are in place yet. For example, there is a potential for atmospheric environment experiments to be flown on the ISS using external mounting points, which will be a permanent feature of the ISS. There is also limited potential for studies of the upper atmosphere, or space environment. Potential for ISS experiments in astronomy is very limited, given that they require a highly stable and pristine environment. One day, the ISS may also be used as a platform in the exciting pursuit of planetary exploration.

Updated: 2001/07/24 Important Notices