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Mission STS-90

Circle Time!

Did you ever wonder why you have difficulty performing a task in the dark? Well, this exercise will show how dependent you are on visual cues when you perform any tasks even pointing at a circle. Astronauts also practice a similar experiment on earth to test their Visuo-Motor Coordination Facility (VCF) before testing it again in space.

Please follow the instructions below the following three circles.

Circle Time!
  1. With your eyes open, look carefully at the 3 separate circles (1" horizontal distance) on your screen
  2. Still with your eyes open, point your pen on the center circle
  3. You think this is easy! Now close your eyes, point your pen at the left circle and then point it back towards the center circle.
  4. Open your eyes. Not that easy, huh! Measure how far you are from the center circle and point at the center circle again.
  5. Close your eyes once again, point your pen to the right circle and then to center circle.
  6. Did you do better this time? Open your eyes, measure how far you are from the center circle and point back to the center circle.
  7. Repeat this task 10 times per circle until you get dizzy!

So, after doing this exercise 10 times, are you able to point to the center circle with your eyes closed?

Updated: 1999/10/30 Important Notices