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Mission STS-97

Way Cool! - Day 6

Today's activities:

Luminous Water
Counting the Stars

Astronauts are first and foremost scientists. Therefore, they perform several experiments while on mission, but also when they are on the ground. Try the following experiments!

Individual or Group Activity:

Luminous Water

Some obstacles, such as water and glass, cause light to deviate. This experiment is a good way to demonstrate what happens. Glass

Making a Light Deviation Device


You will need:

Clear plastic bottle
Flat dish
Small flashlight


  1. Use the scissors to poke a small hole in the bottom third on the side of the bottle. With your finger on the hole, fill the bottle with water. Place the bottle on the dish and turn off the lights in the room.
  2. Let the water trickle out of the hole onto the dish. Shine the beam of the flashlight around the bottle at level with the hole. If the beam is properly positioned, the water trickling from the bottle should become luminous. Even the water in the dish should emit light.

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Group Activity:

Counting the Stars

Counting the Stars Ask your students to take turns counting, starting with 1. The student whose turn it is to say 5 should say "Sun" instead. When you come to the next multiple of 5 (10), the student should say "Earth." Continue in the same way, alternating "Sun" and "Earth" every time you come to a multiple of 5. Any student who gets it wrong is out of the game. To make it harder, try using a multiple of 7 instead.

Updated: 2000/11/30 Important Notices