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Mission STS-97

Way Cool! - Day 9

Today's activities:

Space Animal
Solar Energy at Work: Making a Solar Oven

Group Activity:

Space Animal

Organize a contest to find out which animal would be most likely to survive in space. Ask your students to imagine what such an animal might look like and what characteristics it might have. Ask each student to draw a space animal, jotting down its characteristics in the margin as needed. How would the animal breathe, communicate, find food and defend itself? How would it move about? How would it survive intense cold or infernal heat? What about meteorites and radiation? Animal

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Individual or Group Activity:

Solar Energy at Work: Making a Solar Oven

Cooking Here’s an experiment that involves cooking food in a solar oven – a trouble-free way to experience the heat-producing energy of the Sun!


You will need:

Two polystyrene cups
Sheet of black paper
Small pieces of food for cooking (apples, carrots, etc.)
Aluminium foil
Big piece of stiff paper
Family-size yogourt container
Paper tissues


  1. Line one cup with black paper. Place food in the cup and cover with shrink-wrap. 
  2. Cover one side of the stiff paper with aluminium foil. Roll the whole thing around the cup, tape it and cut off the top right edge.
  3. Place the cup and the cone in the other cup and put the whole thing into the yogurt container. Fill the space between the cup and the container with tissues.

Updated: 2000/11/30 Important Notices