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Mission STS-100

Technoteacher - Day 1

Robot Index

Build your own index of familiar robots. You can divide them into three groups:
  1. Robots serving us (at home, at school)
  2. Robots serving the community (city or town)
  3. Robots serving the whole world (including space robots!).

Then subdivide the robots in each group into six system families:

  1. Processors
  2. Sensors
  3. Vision Systems
  4. Transportation Systems
  5. Effectors
  6. Communications Systems

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The Human Processor

Organize a brainstorming session with students on the following brain functions: thought, movement, sensation, hearing and sight. Observe how all these actions are controlled by the brain. Act out these activities. Explain that in the case of robots, a "brain" called the processor plays the same role.

Writing on a sheet of paper Write each of these words on slips of paper. Divide the students into teams and have each team pick a slip of paper. Each team will then have to name five verbs relating to the word it drew (e.g. for thought: writing, thinking, imagining, finding, etc.; for movement: running, walking, spinning, etc.).

Next, find objects associated with these functions (e.g. thinking = book or drawing; movement = ball; sensation = radiator; hearing = a Walkman; sight = a telescope). This exercise will help students make connections and get them using...their own processor!

Updated: 2001/03/16 Important Notices