What can you do with a soldering iron that’s 100 times narrower than a human hair? Plenty, according to chemical engineer William King.

Octopus escape

Posted Jan 03, 2007 in animals

Earth & Sky video pick

Watch this National Geographic video of a big orange octopus escaping through a one-inch hole.

tilt of the earth compared to seasons

Today, the Earth comes closest to the sun for all of this new year. We’re nearly 5 million kilometers – or 3 million miles – closer to the sun now than we’ll be in early July, 2007.

Meteor photo by Vic Winter

The Quadrantid meteor shower peaks at this time of year, but this year the peak will come on the same night as a full moon … January 3.

This shower can be fast and furious. It has a sharp peak, which means that typically all worthwhile observing must be done …

tree trunk

“Environmentalists have allowed themselves to be painted into a corner so they’re mainly identified with only one particular political party. They’re seen as anti-people and pro-panda and pro-elephant and pro-bamboo – all of which is nonsense …”

"Hawking" a product

Posted Jan 02, 2007 in animals

Earth & Sky video pick.

Okay, I admit that I laughed at this. Well, chuckled really. Even though I knew better. The truth is that birds do hit …

How jet-lag isn’t just for jet-setters, and how scientists may be on their way to figuring out a remedy.

Brian May

Rock star Brian May is the guitarist for Queen. He’s also co-author of a book about the other kind of stars. It’s called, “Bang! The Complete History of the Universe.”

Happy new year from Earth & Sky

Posted Jan 01, 2007 in space
Back-lit Saturn

Thank you, Earth & Sky community, for being the most intelligent, most caring, most curious people on the internet!


“Why do we care about nature in the way we perhaps don’t care about shoes and socks and clothes? I mean we want them but we’re not highly over excited about whether the shoe industry needs regulations. On the other hand, there is something that makes people like yourself and myself get concerned about the way we handle nature …”

Your body grows 200 miles of new capillaries for each added pound of weight …

Brian May

Queen’s Brian May was once a student in astronomy, and he’s returning to complete his Ph.D. He told Earth & Sky, “I think that rock stars could be accused of losing their sense of perspective quite often. And this keeps me with one foot in a different kind of world, where it’s necessary to be very humble ..”

Tonight's Sky


Wed, Jan 03 Full moon in Twins

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