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Space Age Telecommunications in Canada Space Age Telecommunications in Canada

This resource-activity introduces teachers and students to the history, terminology and general science concepts associated with Space Age telecommunications by using a graphic organizer technique (concept mapping). This particular resource is directed at senior middle years but can be adapted to high school.

Orbital Needs Of Canadian Telecommunications Orbital Needs of Canadian Telecommunications

This resource examines the geo-political implications of using telecommunication satellites by having students represent countries with telecommunication interests in a negotiation or debate as to the use of the limited opportunities available on geostationary orbits.

Design of a Telecommunication Satellite Design of a Telecommunication Satellite

This activity examines the detailed components and systems needed to build and operate a communications satellite. Students will use brainstorming or concept mapping to create a list of components/systems and then compare this with components and systems that exist on Canadian communications satellites. Students complete the activity by building a communications network from materials easily found or obtained in either the home or the classroom.

tele_robotics, Tele-medicine and Time Delay Tele-Robotics, Tele-Medicine and Time Delay

This activity simulates the adverse effect of time delay, as it is associated with telecommunications, when dealing with action-at-a-distance topics of tele-medicine, tele-robotics and planetary exploration.

Updated: 2002/03/25 Important Notices