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Mission STS-97


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Pluto, the smallest, coldest and most distant planet from the Sun, is sometimes not even considered a planet! Pluto takes 248 years to orbit the Sun and is about two-thirds the diameter of Earth’s moon.

Pluto is usually the farthest planet from the Sun, but because Pluto’s orbit is highly eccentric at times it is closer to the Sun than Neptune. The surface temperature on Pluto varies between about -235° C and -210° C.

Dance Pluto has one moon, Charon, which is about half the size of Pluto itself. Because Charon’s orbit is equal to Pluto’s rotation period, the moon is always above the same spot on the planet. Therefore, you could say that the two dance through space always showing the same face to each other. In other words, for someone standing on Pluto directly under Charon, the moon would seem to be stuck in the sky. While, on the other side of the planet, the moon would never be seen.

How heavy would you be on Pluto?

If you weigh 34 kg (75 lb) you would weigh 1 kg (3 lb) on Pluto. To calculate your weight, all you have to do is multiply your weight (kilos or pounds) by 0.041. Balance

How old would you be on Pluto?

Birthday cake If you are 10 years old this year, you would be 569 days or barely one year old on Pluto.

Updated: 2000/11/30 Important Notices