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Concept Studies

Concept Studies examine the feasibility of a proposed space project. It is the first step in a space project plan and does not guarantee the creation of an actual space instrument or mission. After a concept study’s specified term is completed, the project is evaluated by the CSA to determine if it will move forward. During the concept study period no actual hardware is built. The project stays “on paper” and normally focuses on one of the three following areas:

  1. Development of a concept of scientific instrumentation related to a potential future space science mission.
  2. Development of methodologies (e.g., theoretical and modelling studies, data analysis, validation, characterization, etc.) in support of potential future Canadian space-based scientific experiments.
  3. Development of investigations that may lead to potential future space science missions with significant Canadian participation. Examples of this category may include new mission concepts, assessment of feasibility, and development of scientific mission requirements.

Updated: 2002/07/09 Important Notices