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Assessment Rubric

Grades 11/12

Understanding of basic concepts:

  • analyse common energy transformation situations using the work-energy theorem;

  • describe quantitatively mechanical energy as the sum of kinetic and potential energies.

below 50%

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

significantly below the standard for the grade

approaching the standard for the grade

the standard for the grade

exceeds the standard for the grade

requires additional learning activities and remediation

shows limited understanding of basic physics concepts related to the energy transformations of a constructed mechanical device by:

shows some understanding of basic physics concepts related to the energy transformations of a constructed mechanical device by:

shows general understanding of basic physics concepts related to the energy transformations of a constructed mechanical device by:

shows thorough understanding of basic physics concepts related to the energy transformations of a constructed mechanical device by:

produces insufficient evidence to demonstrate learning

providing partial observations and explanations of investigations

providing partial observations and explanations of investigations

providing complete observations and explanations of investigations

providing complete observations and explanations of investigations

demonstrates significant misconceptions

with significant errors and/or mis-conceptions

with minor errors and/or mis-conceptions

with no significant errors and/or mis-conceptions

with no errors and/or mis-conceptions


  • carry out procedures controlling the major variables and adapting or extending procedures where required;

  • identify questions to investigate that arise from practical problems and issues;

  • construct and test a prototype of a device or system and troubleshoot problems as they arise.

below 50%

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

significantly below the standard for the grade

approaching the standard for the grade

the standard for the grade

exceeds the standard for the grade

requires additional learning activities and remediation

applies few of the skills and strategies required to investigate concepts related to the energy transformations of a constructed mechanical device

applies some of the skills and strategies required to investigate concepts related to the energy transformations of a constructed mechanical device

applies most of the skills and strategies required to investigate concepts related to the energy transformations of a constructed mechanical device

applies all of the skills and strategies required to investigate concepts related to the energy transformations of a constructed mechanical device

produces insufficient evidence to demonstrate learning

applies technical skills and procedures with limited competence in constructing a robotic "Energy-Transformer"

applies technical skills and procedures with moderate competence in constructing a robotic "Energy-Transformer"

applies technical skills and procedures with considerable competence in constructing a robotic "Energy-Transformer"

applies technical skills and procedures with a high degree of competence in constructing a robotic "Energy-Transformer"


  • select and use appropriate numeric, symbolic, graphical, and linguistic modes of representation to communicate ideas, plans, and results.

below 50%

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

significantly below the standard for the grade

approaching the standard for the grade

the standard for the grade

exceeds the standard for the grade

requires additional learning activities and remediation

communicates with little clarity and precision using scientific terminology, symbols, conventions, and SI units with limited accuracy and effectiveness

communicates with some clarity and precision using scientific terminology, symbols, conventions, and SI units with some accuracy and effectiveness

generally communicates with clarity and precision using scientific terminology, symbols, conventions, and SI units with considerable accuracy and effectiveness

consistently communicates with clarity and precision using scientific terminology, symbols, conventions, and SI units with a high degree of accuracy and effectiveness


  • proposes courses of practical action in relation to science- and technology-based problems

below 50%

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

significantly below the standard for the grade

approaching the standard for the grade

the standard for the grade

exceeds the standard for the grade

requires additional learning activities and remediation

produces insufficient evidence to demonstrate learning

demonstrates significant misconceptions

applies understanding of basic physics concepts to courses of practical action with limited effectiveness

applies understanding of basic physics concepts to courses of practical action with moderate effectiveness

applies understanding of basic physics concepts to courses of practical action with considerable effectiveness

applies understanding of basic physics concepts to courses of practical action with a high degree of effectiveness

Prepared by YES I Can! Science Team,
Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, York University

Updated: 2003/10/15 Important Notices