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Background Information Assignment for Students

NEEMO (NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations)

NEEMO Project

AQUARIUS Expedition Mission
(October 22 to 28, 2001)

Step 1 – Preparation

Before giving students the reading selection, Aquarius Undersea Laboratory Hosts Astronauts for Space Simulation and Training Project, have them use the think/pair/share cooperative learning strategy to discuss challenges related to living and working in space and ways people can prepare for those challenges on earth.

Think/pair/share strategy procedure

  1. Think. Ask students to list challenges they can think of related to humans living and working in space and ways people can prepare for those challenges on Earth.
  2. Pair. Students pair with partners and share their lists. Students listen carefully to their partners and add to or revise their lists through discussion.
  3. Share. A member of one or several groups reports to the whole class.

Step 2 – Reading

Ask students to read the background information article, Aquarius Undersea Laboratory Hosts Astronauts for Space Simulation and Training Project.

Step 3 – Post-reading

Have students prepare written answers to the following questions:

  1. Define the term "space analogue."
  2. Explain how Aquarius is a suitable analogue environment to the International Space Station.
  3. List the space mission systems that can be developed, tested and refined using the Aquarius Research Station.

Step 4 – Extension

Using a search engine, have students enter "space analogue"  and "Mars analogue" as search strings to identify other research projects investigating living and working in harsh environments that are similar to space. (Note that analogue can sometimes be spelled analog and may produce different results)


The chart below identifies four levels of achievement for assessing the communication of information and ideas. Levels 1 and 2 describe performance that approaches the standard for the grade; level 3 describes the standard for the grade; level 4 describes performance that is above the standard. In numerical terms, all four are passing levels for the grade. Level 1 corresponds to a mark of 50 to 59%; level 2, 60 to 69%; level 3, 70 to 79%; and level 4, 80 to 100%. Student performance that does not approach or is significantly below the standard would receive a failing grade.

Communication of Information and Ideas

The student

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

communicates information and ideas about the use of space analogue environments with limited clarity and precision

communicates information and ideas about the use of space analogue environments with moderate clarity and precision

communicates information and ideas about the use of space analogue environments with considerable clarity and precision

communicates information and ideas about the use of space analogue environments with a high degree of clarity and precision

uses Web search engine with limited appropriateness and effectiveness

uses Web search engine with moderate appropriateness and effectiveness

uses Web search engine with considerable effectiveness

uses Web search engine with a high degree of effectiveness

Prepared by YES I Can! Science Team,
Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, York University

Updated: 2001/10/22 Important Notices