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Mission STS-97

KidStation - Space Project 2000

Now that Marc Garneau's third trip to space is over, we invite you to explore this site overflowing of information on the solar system, solar energy, Marc's mission and many other themes!

Space Project 2000

By clicking on the bubbles containing questions and the core image of each of the 12 days that lasted the mission (see below!), you will learn out-of-this-world things. Furthermore, we encourage you to do the Way Cool! activities and experiments and to participate in the Mission: Sun game. Finally, you should have a look at our Webcast hosted by astronaut Chris Hadfield who explains the behind-the-scene preparation for the mission.

Day 1 Solar Energy Day 7 Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis)
Day 2 The Shuttle and the Canadarm Day 8 Plasma
Day 3 The ISS Day 9 The Sun
Day 4 Solar Energy Day 10 Living and Working in Space
Day 5 The Planets Day 11 Spaceship Earth
Day 6 Becoming an Astronaut Day 12 Landing/Recap

Updated: 2000/11/30 Important Notices