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  Tel: (902)567-0842 • Fax: (902)567-0337
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  December 8, 2006 http://firstnationhelp.com
© 1999 - 2006 Atlantic Canada's First Nation Help Desk


Effective December 1, 2006 First Nation SchoolNet shifted from Industry Canada to INAC (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada). The program now falls within INAC national education initiatives. Some program personnel will also shift departments, so there should be little adjustment for our schools.

We would like to thank the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation Chiefs and the Assembly of First Nations for their enthusiastic support of our program and their efforts to see it continued.

We would also like to remind everyone that the existing program's mandate runs until March 31, 2007 at which time a new mandate and funding levels will have to be determined. Contacting your Members of Parliament and Minister Prentice about the importance of First Nations SchoolNet would be timely.

Wela'lioq (thank you)!

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Last Updated: November 27, 2006