Department of Justice
  Maintenance Enforcement
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Maintenance Enforcement

The Northwest Territories Maintenance Enforcement Program (MEP) helps children and families by monitoring, enforcing and collecting support payments.

Residents of the NWT can register with the program if they have a court order or agreement for support by completing a registration package and returning it to the MEP Office. There is no cost for registration or for MEP's collection services.

The Maintenance Enforcement Program does not obtain court orders for clients, change the amount of support ordered by a court, or vary a court order. MEP does not provide legal advice or legal representation to clients or deal with custody or access issues.

The Program has reciprocal enforcement agreements with all Canadian provinces and territories, all American states, and some foreign countries. Under these agreements, maintenance enforcement agencies in other jurisdictions can collect on behalf of the NWT Maintenance Enforcement Program for creditors who live within the NWT. This agreement also allows the NWT Maintenance Enforcement Program to collect funds from debtors who live within the NWT on behalf of other jurisdictions.

What MEP does for Creditor (payee or person’s who are to receive funds)?
1. Alleviates tension between payees and debtors/payers by having all
    support payments, questions and queries made through an intermediary
    at the MEP Office.
2. Provides enforcement of the Order or Agreement in the advent that
    the debtor/payer does not pay.
3. When money is received, it is usually processed within 24-48 hours
    and forwarded to the creditor (via direct deposit or a cheque in the mail).

What MEP does for Debtor (payer or person who is to pay the funds)?
1. Convenient, easy and structured method to meet support commitments.
2. Provides documented, undisputed payment records and yearly financial
    print outs.
3. Acts as an intermediary between creditor and debtors.

What does MEP do for businesses?
1. Protects businesses by structuring the wage attachment and garnishment
2. Allows businesses to deal with an intermediary at the MEP Office for wage
    attachment and garnishment issues, questions and queries.

For more information, please contact:

Maintenance Enforcement
3rd Floor, Panda II Mall
P.O. Box 1770
Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9

Telephone: (867) 920-3378
Fax: (867) 873-0106
Toll Free: (800) 661-0798

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