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Canadian Coast Guard Crest

Canadian Coast Guard

Marine Communications & Traffic Services

RAMN 2005




Notices to Shipping

Notices to Shipping (NOTSHIP) issued for the west coast of Canada and the western Arctic are assigned an alphanumeric designator. The alphanumeric designator consists of an alpha character which identifies the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Notice to Shipping issuing authority. The alpha character is followed by a number commencing with the number 001 on January 1 each year and subsequently increasing with each new notice until years end. Alpha designators utilized in Canadian Notices to Shipping are as follows:

P – PacificA – ArcticH – Athabasca-Mackenzie Watershed

Broadcast times and radio frequencies for Notice to Shipping broadcasts by CCG Marine Communications and Traffic Services (MCTS) Centres are listed in Part 2 of this publication.

Some Notices to Shipping remain in effect for extended periods of time. In order to reduce broadcast time, these notices are designated as Written Notices to Shipping. Written notices bear the same consecutive number as the corresponding broadcast notice and are cancelled in the same manner including deletion from the following monthly summary of Written Notices to Shipping. Written Notices to Shipping are printed in circular form and distributed to shipping companies, agents and other interested parties. Persons may have their names added to or deleted from the mailing list by contacting the appropriate NOTSHIP issuing authority in their area. Written Notices to Shipping are not issued for the Arctic.

Masters are reminded of the regulatory requirement to report any danger, potential danger or hazard to navigation which they may encounter. Reports should be forwarded to the appropriate MCTS Centre as soon as possible to ensure the widest distribution to mariners through broadcast Notices to Shipping.

Information Updates

Notices to Mariners contain information which serves to correct charts and related publications. Up-to-date information is available to vessels inbound for Canadian waters on any changes which have occurred between the date of issue of the most recent monthly edition of Canadian Notices to Mariners held on board and the time the vessel comes within reception range of CCG MCTS Centres. Vessels wishing to avail themselves of this service should send their request directly to CVTS OFFSHORE or NORDREG CANADA. Requests may also be routed via any MCTS Centre as listed in Part 2 of this document.

When making this request the following information shall be included:

ship's name and call-sign

present position, destination and intended route

most recent monthly edition of Canadian Notices to Mariners held on board

list of recent Notices to Shipping held on board.

Ice information, ice routing and icebreaker assistance may be obtained from the Arctic Canada Traffic System (NORDREG CANADA). Refer to Notice Number 6 of the Annual Edition, Notices to Mariners or the publication “Ice Navigation in Canadian Waters” for additional information.

Updated: 18/07/2005

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