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Health > Healthy Lifestyles

Offers information on how to maintain a healthy lifestyles through fitness, nutrition, and body image.

+Body Weight

Canada's Guide to Healthy Eating and Physical Activity

Canada's Guide to Healthy Eating and Physical Activityis a guide for Canadians that combines the important information from both our popular food and physical activity guides. Its purpose is to promote the benefits of healthy eating, regular physical activity and healthy weights and to show you how to manage them so you can maintain a healthy lifestyle. You will be able to get the information you need on how to eat well, be active and achieve and maintain a healthy body weight, all in one document.
Source:     Government of Canada

Happy People are Healthier

Medical science now has evidence to support something most of us have known intuitively for awhile - happiness, including feelings of joy, pleasure, contentment, and our physical health are linked.
Source:     Canadian Health Network

Learning to let go of negative feelings

Getting rid of emotional baggage is an important component of overall health.
Source:     Canadian Health Network

Safe Winter Fun

Winter sports and pastimes give us a chance to enjoy the outdoors with family and friends, get involved with others in the community, and maintain our health. And if we keep a few basic things in mind, we'll all be able to "slide" safely through winter.
Source:     Health Canada

Layer up against the chill - Government of Ontario

This winter, make sure you're dressed when you step outside. Wearing at least a few layers of the proper kind of fabrics is essential to your comfort and well-being. That's especially true for farmers, construction workers, outdoor enthusiasts and anyone else who spends a lot of time outside in the cold months. They're at risk for hypothermia, a condition in which your body temperature drops because it's losing more heat than it can replace.

Cold Weather Safety Tips

Hypothermia and frostbite can be avoided by following these guidelines.
Source:     City of Toronto

Cosmetics Program

Health Canada's Cosmetics Program has the mandate to protect the health of Canadians by minimizing the risk associated with the use of cosmetics marketed in Canada. The Program defines and communicates requirements for the manufacture, labelling, distribution and sale of cosmetics, and evaluates compliance.
Source:     Health Canada

Cosmetics Program - Frequently Asked Questions

Fifteen frequently asked questions about cosmetics.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Cosmetics and Your Health

Cosmetics and grooming aids are part of almost every Canadian's daily routine. Therefore, it is important to know that cosmetics can cause unexpected results, even health risks, if they are not used correctly.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Cosmetic Laser Treatments

Laser technology is being used for an increasing number of cosmetic treatments. Examples include hair reduction, skin resurfacing for wrinkle reduction and/or treatment of acne scars, removal of pigmented blemishes (e.g., age spots and moles), and treatment of vascular lesions (e.g., port wine stains and spider veins). Lasers are also used to remove tattoos.
Source:     Health Canada

Infection Prevention and Control Practices for Personal Services: Tattooing, Ear/Body Piercing, and Electrolysis

The purpose of the guidelines is to describe infection prevention and control practices for personal services, including tattooing, ear/body piercing, and electrolysis. The guidelines are based on an assessment of potential or documented evidence of infection risk posed by skin piercing procedures and the principles of infection control to manage the risk.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

It's Your Health - Leisure Noise

Some studies suggest that many teenagers and young adults have already experienced permanent hearing loss caused by exposure to excessive noise from a variety of leisure activities.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Tanning Lamps

Exposure to ultraviolet A and B radiation can cause sunburn, damage to your eyes, and other health effects, including an increased risk of skin cancer. If you choose to use tanning lamps, you should be aware of the hazards involved so you can take steps to minimize your risk.
Source:     Health Canada

Summer Active 2005

SummerActive is an annual national, community-based communications campaign ,organized by the Public Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada and Canadian Heritage (Sport Canada), designed to increase awareness about the importance of physical activity, healthy eating, sport participation and tobacco-free lifestyles to health. The 2005 campaign takes place between May 6th to June 20th.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

**See Also: Healthy Living Tools

Information related to this topic.
Source:     Canada Health Portal