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Health > Public Health and Safety

Offers public heath and safety information for around the home and in the commuity such as food safety, disease prevention and immunizations, pesticides use, bullying and abuse.

+Cooking, Food Safety, Food Poisoning
+Correctional Services
+Disease Control and Prevention
+Organic and Genetically Modified Food
+Pests and Pest Management
+Violence and Abuse

At Home With Alzheimers Disease - Safety and Security

To protect the safety of people with Alzheimer's Disease in and around the home, and to ensure that they do not wander away and get lost or come to harm, the following precautions are suggested.
Source:     Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

CCA-Wood (Pressure Treated Wood)

Get the facts on chromated copper arsenate-treated wood. It is often referred to as pressure treated wood. CCA is a chemical wood preservative that protects wood from damage by insects, mould, sun and water. Download a PFD fact sheets.
Source:     City of Toronto

Facts for Garage Sale Vendors

The next time you are planning to hold a garage sale, think safety. The following is a partial list of products that must meet safety requirements under the Hazardous Products Act.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Candle Safety

Some candles have design flaws that increase the risk of fire. Others may contain materials that pose health hazards, especially for children. There are a number of precautions you can take to reduce health and safety risks when you burn candles.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Responsible Holiday Drinking

Toasting friends with a glass of cheer over the holidays is a tradition for many Canadians. But drinking or serving too much can lead to health and other problems.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Safe Use of Lighters

Because of government regulations, lighters in Canada are among the safest in the world. However, some convenience stores, gas stations and other retail outlets sell disposable and refillable lighters that do not meet Canadian safety requirements.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Selling Second-hand Products

Every year thousands of garage sales are held across Canada. If you are planning a garage sale, you have a legal obligation to ensure that all products sold are safe. There are also concerns about some products sold in second hand stores, it is important to have all the safety information available when selling or buying second hand products.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors save lives. It is important to put smoke detectors in the right places in your home. You should also test them regularly to make sure that they work properly.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Toy Safety

Toys are regulated for safety in Canada. However, it is important to be aware of the risks that can be associated with toys or toy use, so that you can take steps to protect your child's health.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Wood Smoke

Wood smoke contains a number of pollutants that can be harmful to your health. If you use a wood stove or fireplace in your home, there are steps you can take to minimize the risk of health effects for your family and neighbors.
Source:     Health Canada

Acrylamide and Food

Information on acrylamide and what Health Canada is doing.
Source:     Health Canada

Be an Action Hero!

Welcome to the coolest new spot on the Web. This site is all about staying safe, and we created it especially for you.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Canadian Poisonous Plants

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's site with poisonous plants classification information, research and links
Source:     Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Consumer and Public Involvement: Plans

This section is designed to help alert interested Canadians to consultations and public involvement now in the planning stages.
Source:     Health Canada

Emergency Preparedness - Biological Threats - Frequently Asked Questions

The Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response (CEPR) was created in July 2000 to serve as the country's single coordinating point for public health security in Canada.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Health Canada requests recall of certain products containing Ephedra/ephedrine

Health Canada is requesting a recall from the market of certain products containing Ephedra/ephedrine after a risk assessment concluded that these products pose a serious risk to health. Adverse events including stroke, heart attacks, heart rate irregularities, seizures, psychoses and deaths have been reported in association with the use of some products containing Ephedra/ephedrine.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Antibiotic Resistant Germs

There is an increasing concern around the world that certain germs such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites are becoming more resistant to antibiotics, which is resulting in fewer effective antibiotics to prevent and treat infections and diseases.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Arts and Crafts Materials

If you are an artist or craftsperson, you may be working with materials that have the potential to harm your health. It is important to protect yourself by taking proper precautions.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Cellular Phones

With the growing popularity of hand-held cellular phones (or cell phones), questions have been raised about the safety of being exposed to the radiofrequency (RF) energy they emit.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Cool-Mist Humidifiers

Many Canadians use portable cool-mist humidifiers to increase moisture levels in the air inside their homes. When used as directed by the manufacturer, portable cool-mist humidifiers are a safe product. However, using one without properly cleaning and disinfecting it on a regular basis could contribute to additional breathing problems for people who have asthma, severe allergies and other respiratory difficulties.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Laser Pointers

Hand-held laser pointers are popular in Canada. Unfortunately, users are not knowledgeable about the intensity of the light and the effect it may have on the eye.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Lead-based Paint

Many older homes in Canada are decorated with lead-based paint. Removing or disturbing this paint as part of a renovation project could expose people in the home to serious health risks. However, the risk can be minimized by following a number of guidelines.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Manmade Vitreous Fibres

Manmade Vitreous Fibres (MMVFs) are fibres made from minerals and used for insulation, for reinforcing other materials and in protective clothing. There is concern that they can cause breathing problems, skin irritation and other health effects.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Paint Strippers

Paint strippers are handy during home renovations. Careful use is required due to the strong chemicals that these products contain.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - PCBs

PCBs stands for Polychlorinated Biphenyls. PCBs are extremely persistent. They last for many years because they do not break down easily on their own and they are difficult to destroy. This edition of It's Your Health addresses concerns about health effects that may develop over time.
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Safety of Exposure to Electric and Magnetic Fields from Computer Monitors and Other Video Display Terminals

There have been concerns about the health effects of electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) emitted from computer monitors and other types of video display terminals (VDTs). In particular, concerns have been expressed regarding headaches, skin disorders and the potential risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as miscarriages
Source:     Health Canada

It's Your Health - Sunglasses

It is important to protect your eyes against damage from the sun. For most people, an inexpensive pair of sunglasses will do the job.
Source:     Health Canada

Product Safety Programme

Provides regulations for the safety of commercial and consumer chemicals and products and promotes their safe use.
Source:     Health Canada

Safe Living Guide for Seniors

This guide offers some ideas about what you can do to prevent injuries in and around your home. It looks at two main areas: your home and yourself.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

Safety and Injuries

Unintentional injuries cost Canadians about $8.7 billion per year. All injuries have one thing in common: they are preventable.
Source:     Health Canada

Second Report on the Health of Canadians

A picture of the most current information from Health Canada on the health of Canadians, and on the factors that influence our health.  
Source:     Health Canada

Sunscreen and potential vision safety

Stresses the lack of evidence for claims which link the use of sunscreen to potential eye damage in children. Describes what to do if sunscreen accidentally comes into contact with the eye.
Source:     Canadian Dermatology Association

Swimming pools

PMRA provides information relating to swimming pools.
Source:     Health Canada