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Registration Program
Terms and Conditions - Section 2.6 to 2.9 [revised 2005-04-01]

Table of Contents

April 1st, 2005

2.6 Service and inspection of devices used in trade*

When an organization services, inspects, marks or seals devices used in trade, this must be done pursuant to Measurement Canada requirements.

Devices within a registered organization’s scope may be repaired by a non-recognized technician of a registered organization. This person cannot, however, certify devices on behalf of Measurement Canada. Should the device owner or trader who uses the device wish to receive a certificate, a recognized technician of the registered organization must conduct the device inspection and issue the certificate. Registered organizations can only issue certificates for device types within the scope of their registration.

Registered organizations are not required or authorized to seal (lock out) devices to prevent their use or to seize non-compliant devices, however, within 48 hours, they must send, either by fax, e-mail or other expedient manner, a report to the local Measurement Canada district office:

  • in the case of a device or devices with major non-compliances that are not corrected at the time of inspection; or
  • in the case where the device owner does not want a complete inspection to be performed following a repair, although the circumstances would make it necessary.

Registered organization are asked to notify Measurement Canada, for follow-up action, when they find that the use requirements of the Weights and Measures Act, Regulations and Specifications are contravened.

In the event that an organization or technician notices that due to a mistake on their part, a device that does not meet requirements has been put into service or certified, the organization must:
  • take the necessary corrective action with the trader who owns or uses the device;
  • attempt to determine the cause of the non-compliance; and
  • submit a report to Measurement Canada outlining the actions taken.

2.7 Forms, reports, certificates, seals, inspection markings, verification indicators and rejection tags*

Inspection certificates, test and non-compliance reports, rejection tags, seals, inspection markings, and verification indicators shall be designed and produced in compliance with requirements set out by Measurement Canada, and shall be accepted by Measurement Canada prior to use by the organization. The organization shall distribute, send and retain them in accordance with Measurement Canada instructions.

All documents retained by the registered organization pursuant to these registration program requirements must be available upon request by Measurement Canada.

2.7.1 Test reports and inspection certificates

The results of device calibrations done by recognized technicians on behalf of Measurement Canada must be documented and retained by the registered organization pursuant to the program requirements.

Registered organizations shall send a copy of certificates to the local Measurement Canada district office at least once a week, but no longer than 10 days from the date of their issue. Where there are no certificates issued within a 10 day period, then a report must be sent.

2.7.2 Control of inspection certificates, seals, inspection markings, verification indicators and rejection tags

The registered organization shall take all reasonable steps to ensure the control of inspection certificates, seals, inspection markings, verification indicators and rejection tags so as to avoid their loss or misuse. Seals, inspection markings and verification indicators shall be used solely on devices certified on behalf of Measurement Canada.

The registered organization shall take all necessary steps (through records or otherwise) to ensure control and traceability of inspection certificates from their point of acquisition to their delivery, to their use by recognized technicians and their issuance, through to their filing and retention. Inspection certificates shall be numbered for tracking purposes. Inspection certificates may be generated electronically immediately following inspections.

2.7.3 Retention period for inspection certificates, device test reports and non-compliance reports

Registered organizations shall retain a copy of inspection certificates, device test reports and non-compliance reports for a minimum of three years.

2.7.4 Retention period for physical standards calibration certificates and test reports

Registered organizations shall retain physical calibration certificates and test reports for the following: the lesser of a period equivalent to three verification cycles or until the standard is withdrawn from service.

2.7.5 Requirements of sections 40, 41 and 42 of the Weights and Measures Regulations

Registered organizations are not required to submit the reports required in sections 40, 41 and 42 of the Weights and Measures Regulations when devices they are servicing (repairing, altering or adjusting) are from types within the scope of their registration and for which inspection certificates were issued by a recognized technician. Inspection certificates are used for this purpose. In all other cases, when a seal is broken or a device is altered, adjusted or repaired, the registered organization shall submit the reports set out in sections 40, 41 and 42 of the Weights and Measure Regulations.

2.8 Device traceability

The organization shall maintain records which track names and addresses of the initial point of shipment of devices that are sold, leased or otherwise disposed of for use in trade. These records must indicate the devices' serial numbers.

2.9 Planning follow-up inspections*

The organization shall work with Measurement Canada in planning and conducting follow-up inspections. At the request of Measurement Canada, the organization shall provide all necessary information and reasonable assistance to conduct these inspections.

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    Created: 2005-08-04
Updated: 2005-12-02
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