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Registration Program Guide
Section 1.0 to 1.7 [revised 2004-08-23]

Table of Contents

August 23, 2004

1.0 General

1.1 Program name

No additional guidance provided for this section.

1.2 Program objectives

No additional guidance provided for this section.

1.3 Program scope

This section will be updated every time a trade sector is added to the program scope.

The program scope includes only devices that have already received permanent or conditional approval.

1.4 Definitions

The definitions included in the “Terms and Conditions of the Measurement Canada Registration Program” document are also applicable to this guide.

1.5 Eligibility

Measurement Canada has received legal advice that it should only register incorporated companies as they can enter into contracts and face legal action. They have a set organizational structure and a well-defined board of directors. Legally, Measurement Canada enters into agreements with established legal entities. The organization becomes the entity responsible for conformance with the requirements of the agreement and it becomes incumbent on it to apply the controls necessary to ensure that its staff meets Measurement Canada requirements.

A cooperative registered under the Canadian Cooperatives Act is eligible to the registration program. These cooperatives meet the definition of “organization” as written in section 1.4 of the terms and conditions of the registration program. No provision of the Canada Business Corporations Act, the Canada Corporations Act, or the Winding-up and Restructuring Act applies to a cooperative.

1.6 Registration application

Once the application is completed and submitted to the Measurement Canada local district office, the application will be reviewed and a reply will be provided by the Measurement Canada District Manager (hereafter referred to as District Manager) as to the acceptability of the application.

Technical training needs (including the number of technicians to be trained) will be identified during the first meeting between Measurement Canada and / the organization.

Where there is a head office and branch offices, one application per legal entity will be required. If they are all under the same legal entity, only one registration application will be required

1.7 Scope or area of registration

The organization is not required to list the device manufacturer’s names or models in its registration application.

The application must specify the types of certified standards the organization intends to use (i.e., open neck provers, pipe provers, weights, etc.). The application must also specify the devices types and sub-types the organization intends to inspect as well as the products that will be used (measured) during verifications . The selection must be done from the list of device types and sub-types and the list product codes of the Weights and Measures Inspection Certificate Completion Manual (appendices 1 and 4). Registration is limited to devices, inspections and sectors that are part of the program scope.

Required training may vary, depending on the standards used, devices inspected or the products involved.

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    Created: 2004-01-09
Updated: 2004-10-19
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