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Health > Children > Growth and Development

Offers resources on the healthy physical growth and social development of children, including physical health, social skills, emotional health, and language and learning skills, as well as information on healthy pregnancy and infancy, and transitions to school, adolescence and adulthood.

Early Child Development

These 4-page pamphlets are printed in Adobe Acrobat format and require version 4.0 or higher of the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Pamphlets on: Bed-Wetting; Caring for a Child with a Fever; Discipline; Jealousy and Sibling Rivalry; Temper Tantrums and Toilet Training.
Source:     Government of Manitoba - Manitoba Health

Inside the Human Body

Inside the Human Body: The Respiratory System is filled to the brim with information and activities about the human respiratory system. Play games on our website as you learn about your lungs.
Source:     Industry Canada

Talking to kids about death - a fact of life

Ideally, we talk to our children about dying and death before they are faced with the loss of someone they care about. Practical suggestions to help the conversation.
Source:     Canadian Health Network

Your kid can go to summer camp!

It's time to start thinking about how to keep your kids busy and active this summer, and find activities that are accessible to children or youth with a disability or disease. Explore the many options for children with disabilities or chronic diseases.
Source:     Canadian Health Network

Child Health Record

A booklet in which parents can record health and developmental information about their children from birth.
Source:     Health Canada

Growing Healthy Canadians: A Guide for Positive Child Development

This guide offers not only a rich source of information, but also a unique perspective on how best to promote the well-being of young people.
Source:     Health Canada and the Government of Ontario

Prenatal - 6 Years

Links to information on healthy pregnancy and infancy; healthy living and safe and supportive environments.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada