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Participant Funding Program
Application for Funding

Please refer to "Part 2 How to Complete Your Application Form" of the guide entitled "Participant Funding Program" when completing this application.

Please print this page and send it with your authorized signature(s) to:

Participant Funding Program
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
22nd Floor, Place Bell
160 Elgin Street
Ottawa ON K1A 0H3
Fax: (613) 957-0941

Step 1: Applicant Information

Name and location of project:


Indicate which phase of environmental assessment you are seeking support for:

CheckboxComprehensive Study
CheckboxPhase I of the Review Panel
CheckboxPhase II of the Review Panel

Name of applicant (individual or organization):


Web site address:


Legal name of applicant (if different):


Mailing address:


City / Town:




Postal Code:


Area Code / Telephone number:


Area Code / Fax number:


E-mail address:


If the application is for an individual or a law firm, indicate on whose behalf you are submitting this application.

CheckboxApplying on behalf of him / herself or law firm
CheckboxApplying on behalf of an unicorporated entity

Name of unincorporated entity:


(Note: Applications will not be accepted from unincorporated entities in their own name.)

Name and title of contact person for corporation / organization / group / association:


If you represent an entity (incorporated or otherwise) supporting documentation, endorsing you as the entity's representation must be attached to this application.

Language of correspondence

CheckboxEnglish         CheckboxFrench

Area Code / Telephone number (if different):


Area Code / Fax number (if different):


Is your organization incorporated?

CheckboxYes         CheckboxNo

Federal No.:


Provincial No.:


Business number (Canada Customs and Revenue Agency):


GST/HST rebate number:


GST/HST rebate %:

____________________________________ %

Have you applied or will be applying for funds from other sources to participate at this stage of the environmental assessment process?

CheckboxYes         CheckboxNo

If yes, please specify how much and the source.





Describe your or your organization's major goals and mandate.





Describe your interest in the environmental assessment.





Step 2: Description of Proposed Activities

Describe your proposed contribution to the environmental assessment, including:
  • the objectives of your participation;
  • your proposed activities for which you are seeking funding; and
  • how these proposed objectives and activities may contribute to the environmental assessment's understanding of the anticipated effects of the project.





Identify your capacity to carry out the proposed activities.

(Describe relevant experience, expertise and skills you or your organization have that will help you to carry out your proposed activities.)





Describe why you believe your participation will bring an important and distinct perspective to the environmental assessment.





Have you or your organization made an effort to cooperate with other individuals or organizations in preparing a funding application?
CheckboxYes         CheckboxNo
If yes, please specify name of individual / organization
How are the proposed activities incremental to your ongoing business?





Step 3: Funding Requested

Please summarize your request for funding of eligible expenses, using the following table (see part 2 of the guide entitled Participant Funding Program for information on each expense category):

Priority: High
Expense Category Funding Requested
Local collection / distribution of information $ ____________
Professional fees (excluding legal fees) $ ____________
Travel expenses $ ____________
Priority: Medium
Expense Category Funding Requested
Office supplies $ ____________
Rental of office space / meeting rooms $ ____________
Priority: Low
Expense Category Funding Requested
Staff salaries $ ____________
Legal fees $ ____________
General media advertising / promotion $ ____________
Purchase of information material $ ____________
Other (specify) $ ____________

TOTAL funding requested from CEAA $ ____________

With respect to each expense, please provide additional information to support your request:

Local collection / distribution of information:


Professional fees (excluding legal fees):


Travel expenses:


Office supplies:


Rental of office space / meeting rooms:


Staff salaries:


Legal fees:


General media advertising / promotion:


Purchase of information material:




How did you learn about the availability of Participant Funding for this project? (Please check all that apply)

Checkbox Government of Canada
Checkbox Government of Canada notice in newspaper
Checkbox Newspaper articles/ editorials
Checkbox Agency Web site
Checkbox Consulting Canadians Web site
Checkbox Other Web sites
Checkbox Regional Agency office
Checkbox E-mail to your organization
Checkbox Direct mail to your organization
Checkbox Radio broadcast
Checkbox Word of mouth
Checkbox Other (please specify): _____________________________________

Application for Funding: Certification Form

Certification and Consent:

I/we hereby certify that the information I/we have provided in this application is accurate to the best of my/our knowledge. In the event that a participant funding award is to be made based on this application, I/we agree that no funding will be payable unless I/we sign the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency's standard Contribution Agreement. I/we understand that I/we was/were entitled to review a copy of the Contribution Agreement before signing this Application Form.

I/we hereby consent to the Agency providing a copy of this Application Form and of the aforementioned Contribution Agreement (once signed by me/us and by the Agency) to any person that the Agency deems appropriate in the circumstances. I/we further consent to the Agency making copies of any written submissions during the environmental assessment process, by me/us or by the corporation, organization, group or association that I/we represent and to use those copies for purposes related to the administration of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. The information collected will be subject to the Access to Information Act.

Authorized signature

Last Updated: 2005-08-17

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