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Health > Children > Conditions and Diseases

Offers health resources such as signs and symptoms, treatment, and prevention of conditions and diseases found in children, including allergies and asthma, cancer, fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), Reye’s syndrome, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).


Head Lice - Toronto Public Health

Head lice can be quite a nuisance whenever there is close head-to-head contact, in particular amongst children. Toronto Public Health is pleased to offer the following information, which appears also in a fact sheet, and in a format that can be used to make overheads for educational presentations. Please feel free to download and use these resources in your school, daycare, home, or any other setting.
Source:     City of Toronto

Hepatitis B and Your Baby

Fact sheet on what is hepatitis B, how it is spread, can my baby get hepatitis B. This fact sheet is available in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). To view it, you need to have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader (minimum v. 4.0) installed on your computer.
Source:     Government of Manitoba - Manitoba Health

Immunization for Kids and Students

On these pages, you will find facts and resources about vaccinations.
Source:     Canadian Coalition for Influenza Immunization

Immunization information about PrevnarTM

Information on what is pneumococcal disease, treatment, who I at risk, how is it spread and information on a new vaccine.
Source:     City of Toronto

Kids and daily medications: more than just a spoonful of sugar required!

Acknowledges the challenges faced by a family when a child needs to take medication on a regular basis. Lists basic things a parent should know about any kind of medication for their child. Suggests ways in which parents can encourage their child to begin to assume some of the responsibility involved.
Source:     Canadian Health Network


Morbillivirus in the family Paramyxoviridae. It is one of the best known and deadliest of all childhood rash and febrile illnesses. In severe cases, complications such as pneumonia, diarrhoea, middle ear infection and encephalitis (a dangerous infection of the brain causing inflammation) may occur.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada


Rubella, also known as German measles, is caused by the rubella virus, a togavirus of the genus rubivirus. Although usually a mild febrile disease in children, when contracted by women during early pregnancy, rubella frequently leads to a serious and sometimes fatal condition in the unborn child, known as congenital rubella syndrome (CRS).
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

The Canadian Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths

Information about Infant Deaths.
Source:     The Canadian Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths

When your child has cancer

Learning that your child has cancer is perhaps the hardest news you have ever had to face. As a parent, you must now decide how to tell your child. Talking with a child about cancer is not easy…
Source:     Canadian Cancer Society

You can manage your child's asthma

With good asthma management, your child should be able to live almost symptom-free and participate in regular activities and most sports. Read more!
Source:     Canadian Health Network

Childhood Asthma: Student Lung Health Survey 1995-1996

The purpose of the Survey was to examine the occurrence and severity of asthma among children; to assess current efforts in asthma management; and to provide useful information for the planning and implementation of effective asthma management and control program activities in Canada.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada

It's Your Health - Reye's Syndrome

Reye's Syndrome RS is a rare disease that affects mainly children or teenagers during a viral illness, such as chicken pox or influenza. It can be fatal. The use of ASA (Acetylsalicylic Acid) has been strongly linked with the development of RS.
Source:     Health Canada

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), also known as Crib Death, refers to the sudden and unexpected death of an apparently healthy infant under one year of age.
Source:     Health Canada

This Battle Which I Must Fight: Cancer in Canada's Children and Teenagers

Features information on psychosocial impact of cancer on families.
Source:     Public Health Agency of Canada