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CUPE job action will affect municipal services

The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) is planning a job action that could have a significant impact on local municipal government services. CUPE states that it is protesting the provincial government’s planned amendments to the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS). It is important to note that CUPE’s issue is not with the City of Hamilton but rather with the Province of Ontario. Although no definite date has been announced, the action could take place as early as this Thursday.

Nominations for Women of Distinction Awards open until Feb. 17

The City of Hamilton Status of Women Committee and YWCA present the Women of Distinction Awards – recognizing achievements for 2005. Nominations are being accepted until Feb.17. Celebrating 30 years of honouring women, these awards will recognize award recipients and nominees for their outstanding achievements and contributions to the community

Important Information Regarding Smoke Alarms

Important Notice from Hamilton Emergency Services regarding the Installation of Smoke Alarms in Your Home: On March 1, 2006, an amendment to the Ontario Fire Code will take effect requiring that there be an operational smoke alarm installed on “every level of your home”. 

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