The Weather Network
Turin 2006 Winter Games
Keep up to date with local conditions, Olympic news, weather facts, webcams, and more. Visit this section and learn about the climate in Turin, Pragelato or any other venue city.
March Break Poll
What are you doing for March Break?
Going somewhere warm & sunny
Hitting the slopes
Checking out local attractions
Haven’t decided yet
Concerns about your health this winter? Stay informed about the Influenza activity in your area by signing up for the FluDirect. Get the weekly Flu report sent to your email inbox each week.
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The Weather Network Dominates its category on TV
Canadians have chosen The Weather Network as having the best forecasts on television for the fourth consecutive year, as released in the latest TV Quality Survey. The Weather Network also ranked among the leading networks for viewer satisfaction and perceived value.
Find out more about the survey results
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WeatherEye is The Weather Network's FREE Desktop service
WeatherEye gives you live, current conditions for any city you choose and it will display the temperature right on your desktop.

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Are you ready to join the world of weather? If you are looking for a challenging career in a progressive, multi-technological company, check out our postings.
Click here for all Weather Network employment opportunities.
Have you ever seen pea-sized hailstones, branches knocked down by damaging winds or streets flooded by torrential downpours and wondered how you can help?

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