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Love the Lather!
(Handwashing keeps you healthy)


Believe it or not, there is a right way and a wrong way to wash your hands!  Washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water is the single most important thing you can do to prevent catching and spreading germs that cause illnesses, such as colds, flu, and diarrhea.


Think you’re doing it right?  See how you do on this handwashing quiz.



  1. Rinsing my hands is all that is necessary (True/False).
  2. I should wash my hands in really hot water (True/False).
  3. A five second wash is adequate (True/False).
  4. I just need to wash the palms of my hands and fingers (True/False).
  5. Drying your hands on your jeans is okay (True/False).


  1. False: Microbes aren’t that easy to dislodge.  Soap suspends the microbes and allows them to be washed away more easily.
  2. False: If water is too hot you likely won’t wash long enough and it may leave your skin rough and chapped.  The water temperature should be comfortable to allow you to do a thorough job of washing and rinsing.
  3. False: While some microbes may be washed off during that time, you need to wash your hands for at least 15 seconds to get rid of the majority of microbes.
  4. False: Germs can collect on any part of the hand.  Be sure to wash your wrists, the back of your hands and under your fingernails.
  5. False: Given that your jeans might be dirty, clean disposable towels are the most sanitary way to dry your hands.

How did you score?  If you didn’t get 5/5, it’s time to brush up on your lathering skills.  Here’s a refresher!

  • Always use warm, running water.
  • Rub hands together vigorously until a soapy lather appears and continue for 15 seconds (sing Happy Birthday through once).  Be sure to get all those surfaces!
  • Rinse hands under warm running water for another 15 seconds (sing Happy Birthday through a second time!).
  • Leave the water running while drying hands.
  • Dry hands with a clean disposable towel.
  • Turn the faucet off using the towel. 
  • If water is not available, use hand wipes or an alcohol based hand sanitizer.

Handwashing:  Do it right and do it often!


November 15 News Release


Candidates are being sought for an upcoming vacancy on Interior Health's Board of Directors:

·       Posting

·       BC Government Board Resources

·       IH Board of Directors

·        News Release (Nov. 19)


New! Updated Flu Shot Info & Schedules... information here


New Child Immunization Info: click here


Health Centre Contact Information (Link)


Check it out!  eMedicaLibrary now open to the public... (click here)


Kids Need Breathing Space! "Let's Just Step Outside"... New program launch (Click here).
"Behind the Smoke Screen" Video Contest! (info here)


Hearts @ Work Video,

Resources & Local Programs


Mental Health Resources (link)


BC NurseLine
Toll Free: 1-866-215-4700
Deaf / hearing impaired (toll-free):1-866-TTY-4700


Ministry of Health Links:
:  news from the Ministry of Health Services
BC HealthFiles:  information on health & safety related subjects

BC HealthGuide OnLine

BC Centre for Disease Control

©2002 - 2005 Interior Health Authority. All Rights Reserved.
Last Updated: 2/1/2005