In tourism, customer service is everything. When you invest in employee training you improve your bottom line.

  • The average customer tells 4 or 5 people about you. Dissatisfied customers tell twice as many.
  • Attracting new customers costs about 5 times more than retaining existing customers.
  • Employees who understand service techniques are better equipped to meet customer needs.
  • Trained staff make fewer errors, require less supervision and are more productive.
Training to enhance employee skills and performance

STEC offers a variety of industry-specific seminars and workshops to businesses, communities and education/training organizations across the province. Sessions are interactive and learner-centred.

About Workshops & Seminars
Information on delivery, enrollment minimums, etc.

Interested in Delivering Training?
Partner with STEC to deliver customized training.
There is Profit in
Your People

In Saskatchewan, STEC is the local representative of emerit, the Nation's seal of excellence in human resource products and services.
© Saskatchewan Tourism Education Council - A Division of Tourism Saskatchewan
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