PKI Overview

PKI Overview

Public key infrastructure (PKI) enables encryption, digital signature and authentication capabilities to be consistently and transparently applied across a broad range of applications and platforms.

Entrust Authority, the world's first commercially available PKI, was released in 1994. Now in its 7th edition, the Entrust Authority™ public-key infrastructure product portfolio manages the full lifecycles of digital certificate-based digital identities so that users do not have to understand how a PKI works in order to take advantage of encryption and digital signature services. Optional PKI components can be easily integrated to help meet an organization's unique security requirements and transparently automate all security-related processes through one public-key infrastructure.

Entrust Authority™

Developer Tools for Simplified PKI Integration
Security of any kind - authentication, email security, data protection, online security, laptop security, PKI, application security and more - always works better when user intervention is not required.

Entrust developer tools are designed to make security:

  • easier for developers to add security to applications
  • easier for administrators to deploy and manage security
  • easier for users to apply security to their digital lives

Learn more on Entrust Developer Tools

Outsourcing Entrust PKI Services
Entrust offers managed security services to enable customers to implement a proactive security strategy using Entrust's award-winning solutions and services without having to build and maintain a PKI.

  • Free up critical resources to focus on core competencies
  • Reduce risk by relying on a service provider's security and operations expertise
  • Shorten time to market to provide competitive advantage or meet regulatory requirements
  • Reduce up-front investment
  • Establish predictable cost and performance levels
Request information on Entrust outsourced PKI services

US Federal: HSPD-12 Compliance
As a recognized leader in PKI for the Federal Government, Entrust solutions can help your agency with HSPD-12 compliance. Whether you already have existing PKI investments, are looking to outsource a PKI, or choose to deploy PKI in-house, Entrust's expertise and flexible, proven solutions can help with your HSPD-12 program.

Contact us about your HSPD-12 requirements

SSL Certificates
Entrust digital certificates can help you to secure and increase confidence in your Web site by enabling SSL between Web browsers and Web servers. Entrust Certificate Management Service makes it easier and more cost-effective for administrators to manage the lifecycle of their SSL digital certificates.

Buy SSL Certificates Now!

Digital Certificates for Devices
Machines need digital identities to enable strong authentication in the same way as human users. Servers, gateways (VPN, routers), PDAs, Microsoft desktops – virtually any machine or device that can accept a digital certificate – can be integrated with an existing PKI, or received digital certificates through an outsourced Entrust PKI or certificate service.

Talk to Entrust about your digital certificate and PKI requirements