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SECTION III - Financial and Departmental Overview

Table 4: Net Cost of Department for the Estimates Year

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($ Thousands) Defence Services Program
Net Planned Spending (Total Main Estimates plus Adjustments as per the Planned Spending table) 14,279,086
Plus: Services Received without Charge
Accommodation provided by Public Works and Government Services Canada 64,653
Contributions covering employer's share of employees' insurance premiums and expenditures paid by TBS (excluding revolving funds) 481,042
Worker's compensation coverage provided by Social Development Canada 9,924
Salary and associated expenditures of legal services provided by Justice Canada 2,889
Subtotal 14,837,594
Less: Non-respendable Revenue (2,025)
2005-2006 Net cost of Department 14,835,569
Source: Assistant Deputy Minister - Finance and Corporate Services
    Last Updated: 2005 3 24 Important notices