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National Defence / Défense Nationale

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About DND CF

Contribution to peace and international security

CF PhotoSince 1947, more than 100,000 Canadian Forces members have taken part in peacekeeping and peace enforcement missions in hot spots all over the world. These missions have been conducted under the auspices of the United Nations and NATO , and within coalitions of like-minded countries.

Since 1990, the Canadian Forces have faced an accelerated operational tempo with overseas missions in the Balkans, East Timor, Haiti, Africa, Sri Lanka, the Arabian Gulf and Afghanistan.

The campaign against terrorism

CF PhotoAfter the tragedy of September 11, 2001, Canada and its allies became engaged in the international campaign against terrorism.

Within minutes of the attacks, the Department of National Defence took steps to enhance Canadian security. The Air Force immediately deployed several additional CF-18 fighters across Canada to preserve continental security.

Under Operation APOLLO , Canada's military contribution to the international campaign against terrorism, Canadian Forces members were deployed to the Arabian Gulf (Persian Gulf) region and to Afghanistan for missions that included maritime and leadership interdiction at sea, aerial surveillance, combat against Al-Qaeda and Taliban Fighters, and logistics support. At its peak, the Canadian military contribution amounted to up to 3,000 soldiers, sailors and air force personnel. In November 2003, Operation APOLLO was replaced by occasional single-ship deployments to the Arabian Gulf region, known as Operation ALTAIR.

The Canadian contribution to the UN-authorized, NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) is known as Operation Athena, which began in August 2003 with about 2000 deployed CF members. In August 2004, Canada realigned its contribution to ISAF to about 900 CF personnel, 700 of which are located in Kabul; the rest are deployed elsewhere in southwest Asia in support of the mission.

At this time, ISAF comprises approximately 8,000 troops from 47 NATO and non-NATO nations. ISAF helps maintain security in Kabul and surrounding areas so the Government of Afghanistan and UN agencies can function.

Canada's goals are to prevent Afghanistan from relapsing into a failed state that provides a safe haven for terrorists and terrorist organizations, to ensure that it meets the needs of its people, and to assist Afghanistan's efforts to become a fully integrated part of the international community.

Supporting peace internationally

Canada often contributes troops and equipment to multinational coalitions to end conflicts and prevent confrontations between belligerent forces. Monitoring cease-fires and truces, and delivering humanitarian assistance to refugees and internally displaced persons, are some of the Canadian Forces' many functions.

CF PhotoAfter more than ten years of substantial engagement, the situation in the Balkans has improved sufficiently to reduce Canada's military presence in Bosnia-Herzegovina. However, the Canadian Forces continue to support NATO and European Union operations through missions that provide information and maintain situational awareness, and support the rule of law.

Besides contributing to NATO operations in the Balkans and Afghanistan, Canada keeps a detachment of 100 Air Force personnel with the NATO Airborne Early Warning Force based in Germany, and about 200 Canadian Forces members in NATO military headquarters across Europe and in the United States.

CF PhotoCanada also routinely contributes warships and naval personnel to NATO's Standing Maritime Groups. Canada's Navy also takes part in joint exercises conducted to maintain the operational availability of the various allied forces, to promote interoperability, and to reinforce the links between Europe and North America.

Canadian Forces personnel also participate in several United Nations peace support operations in various parts of the Middle East and Africa, as well as in Haiti.

The Canadian Forces also support diplomatic missions, arms control, mine-clearance, humanitarian assistance and other initiatives.

Thanks to the efforts of Canadian Forces members serving in 132 countries, Defence is in a position to promote Canada's interests and values abroad.
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Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs) / ADM (PA)