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The National Committee of Federal Public Servants with Disabilities

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    On May 2, 2003 the new National Committee of Federal Public Servants with Disabilities (NCFPSD) was established. This is one of the first recommendations to be met in respect of the Report and Key Recommendations resulting from the June 18, 2002 Interdepartmental Forum of Persons with disabilities: A Dialogue for Action.


    The National Committee of Federal Public Servants with Disabilities (NCFPSD) will promote awareness, represent, and advance the needs of Federal Public Servants with both visible and invisible Disabilities in the Public Service of Canada, in areas including but not limited to those of recruitment, retention, accommodation, accessibility, training and development, career progression, succession planning, promotion and advancement, workplace barriers, and respectful, welcoming, and inclusive workplace environments, and provide information, advice, analysis, and recommendations on those needs and the actions required to address them to Senior Federal Public Service Management.

    Note: The National Committee of Federal Public Servants with Disabilities often receives personal requests for assistance from employees who are experiencing a wide range of problems. While every effort is made to direct inquiries to the person or organization mandated with handling the particular issue, the NCFPSD does not have any role, responsibility or resources to deal with individual cases. The NCFPSD has a policy role, reviewing the broader issues and carrying out large initiatives to bring about systemic improvements in federal work environments across Canada. The personal issues raised by individual employees are certainly important to our understanding of the issues that affect federal public servants with disabilities every day and help to better focus our policy development strategies – however the NCFPSD cannot actively participate in individual cases.
