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Presentation to Departments and Agencies

Policy on Learning, Training and Development


January 2006

Deputy Heads Have Direct Authority for Learning…

Under PSMA, deputy heads have direct authority, pursuant to section 12. (1)(a) of the Financial Administration Act, to:

“determine learning, training and development requirements of persons employed in the public service and fix the terms on which the learning, training and development may be carried out” .

Treasury Board has the authority, pursuant to section 11.1(1)(f) to:

“establish policies or issue directives respecting the exercise of the powers granted by this Act to deputy heads…”.

Treasury Board (as the Employer) has identified required training needs under the Policy on Learning, Training and Development.

The Policy...

“The objective of this policy is to help build a skilled, well-trained and professional workforce; to strengthen organizational leadership; and to adopt leading-edge management practices to encourage innovation and continuous improvements in performance”

  • The Policy came into effect January 1, 2006
  • Replaces the Policy for Continuous Learning in the Public Service of Canada
  • Provides Policy Authority for the Learning Strategy
    • Approved by TB Ministers in October 2005
    • Supported by investments of $35 Million per year
  • Comprised of three pillars:
    • Building Individual Capacity
    • Strengthening Organizational Leadership
    • Encouraging Innovation in Public Sector Management

Deputies are responsible for ensuring that...


  • Their employees are informed of this policy and have the knowledge, skills and competencies to do their work;
  • Measures are taken to strengthen organizational leadership and promote innovation through the adoption of leading-edge management practices; and
  • Their organizations have adequate governance, processes, strategies and capacity for the implementation of this policy..

Required Training

  • newly appointed employees, first-time managers at all levels, existing managers, existing executives and functional specialists successfully complete required training within a specified timeframe.

Leadership Development Programs

  • MTP and CAP participants are managed in accordance with new Directives.

Professional Development

  • their organizations’ learning policy, which is aligned with government management improvement objectives, includes requirements for job related training and learning plans that align individual learning with departmental priorities; and
  • their employees have learning plans to acquire and maintain the knowledge, skills and competencies related to their level and functions.

Deputies are responsible for ensuring that...

Monitoring and Reporting

  • they report information, through the MAF process, to assess compliance with this policy such as:
    • total of newly appointed employees, first-time managers at all levels, existing managers, existing executives and functional specialists;
    • total who successfully completed the required training within the timeframe;
    • for those who did not complete, measures in place to ensure they do; and
  • they provide relevant information to the CSPS, for required training purposes, to assist with registration and reporting on successful completion of courses and programs.


  • consequences for non-compliance with this policy are enforced including:
    • withholding delegated authorities until training is successfully completed;
    • suspending delegated authorities in the case of failure to either complete or pass the self-assessment (starting Jan 2007); and
    • taking into consideration, in the performance assessment of their managers, whether their employees completed the required training within the timeframe.

Required Training for New Employees...

“Deputies are responsible for ensuring that employees newly appointed to the core public administration successfully complete an orientation program that meets the employer’s knowledge standards”

  • Who?
    • For indeterminate and term employees of 6 months + one day
  • When
    • Within 2 months of appointment or more depending on operational requirements
  • How?
    • By attending the 2-day Orientation to the Public Service program designed to meet the employer’s knowledge standards and offered by the CSPS
  • Where?
    • In the National Capital Region
  • Why
    • New employees will share a common understanding of their role as public servants

Required Training for Managers at all Levels ...

“Deputies are responsible for ensuring that first-time managers at all levels successfully complete the required training so that they meet the employer’s knowledge standards prior to delegating authorities

  • Who?
    • For first-time supervisors, managers and executives and anyone who will be exercising delegated authorities for the first time (e.g. Interchange Canada recruits)
  • When?
    • To be determined for each group
  • How?
    • Supervisors must successfully complete the 3-day Essentials of Supervising in the PS; managers and executives the 5-day Essentials of Managing in the PS; in addition, executives complete a one-day induction to the PS. All programs designed to meet the employer’s knowledge standards and offered by the CSPS
  • Where?
    • Across the country
  • Why?
    • Managers at all levels have the necessary knowledge to effectively exercise their delegated authorities

Required Training for Existing Managers and EX…

“Deputies are responsible for ensuring that existing managers and executives validate knowledge associated with their legal responsibilities to maintain their delegated authorities”

  • Who?
    • For existing managers and executives
  • When?
    • Until December 31, 2006, validation can be administered until success is reached – all maintain their delegations of authority even in the case of failure. In January 2007, delegations of authorities must be withdrawn in the event of failure.
  • How?
    • Online self-assessment instrument available on Campusdirect. Composed of some 20 questions in four domains: management of finances, HR, procurement and information. Four online courses also available to cover these four domains. Completion as a refresher recommended prior to self-assessment or as a support prior to re-testing in the event of failure. Classroom training is also an option.
  • Where?
    • Available free of charge on Campusdirect.
  • Why?
    • Existing managers and executives demonstrate they have the necessary knowledge to effectively exercise their delegated authorities.

Required Training for Functional Specialists…

“Deputies are responsible for ensuring that functional specialists successfully complete training and/or validate knowledge associated with their professional and legal responsibilities”

  • Who?
    • Now: specialists in procurement, materiel management, real property (PMMRP) and information management (IM)
    • Later: specialists in the management of finance, internal audit and human resources
  • When?
    • To be determined by each functional group
  • How?
    • Specialists in PMMRP must successfully complete the 5-day Orientation to 3 Functions, the 3-day Legal & Policy training and the 3-day Life Cycle Management in Government; specialists in IM must complete the 2-day IM Environment and Vision and the 3-day IM Legal Framework. Programs for PMMRP and IM designed to meet the employer’s knowledge standards and offered by the CSPS. Different service providers may be contemplated for the other functional specialists.
  • Where?
    • Across the country
  • Why?
    • Specialists meet professional standards established by the Employer

Encouraging Innovation in Public Sector Management…

  • Deputy heads will be supported by the CSPS’ advisory services to develop organizational learning strategies and adopt best practices
  • Based on meeting learning, innovation and change management commitments under the MAF

Governance, Processes, Strategies and Capacity for Implementation..

  • Interdepartmental Advisory Committee
    • Developing guidelines to assist departments with implementation
    • Recommends a Departmental Learning Coordinator be responsible to establish, implement and monitor processes in each department & agency;
    • Considering mechanisms to identify newly appointed employees (e.g. finance to inform Learning Coordinator of newly appointed employees, paragraph to be added in letter of offer for first-time supervisors, managers and executives etc);
    • Developing templates to identify and register employees, monitor successful completion, link to delegations of authorities and reporting requirements;
    • Determining information requirements for registration purposes;
    • 20 departments & agencies represented – meets every 2 weeks – mostly learning specialists – considering widening to include HR and financial specialists.

Governance Structure…

  • Policy Steering Committee
    • Composed of representatives from the following core organizations: PSHRMAC, TBS, CSPS, PSC, NLDI, HOLF
    • Oversees implementation and development of policy instruments (directives, standards, guidelines)
  • Interdepartmental Advisory Committee
    • In addition to core organization representatives, includes learning specialists from over 20 departments and agencies and bargaining agents
    • Supports development of guidelines and directives
  • Critical Content Technical Committee
    • In addition to core organization representatives includes some 27 Policy Centres and bargaining agents
    • Supports development of the Employer’s Knowledge Standards