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Nomination Guidelines - 2006


Public Service Award of Excellence 

Nomination Guidelines

The Public Service Award of Excellence recognizes employees who have demonstrated excellence in the achievement of results for Canadians that reflect the current values, ethics and priorities of the Public Service of Canada. The Award is open to individuals and to teams at all levels.

Each year, up to 29 awards will be presented to recipients from across Canada and abroad. The award is non-monetary and consists of an inscribed trophy. The recipients are invited to participate in the awards ceremony, which will be held during National Public Service Week of each year. The Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada is responsible for the cost of the awards; travel expenses for award recipients to attend the ceremony will be the responsibility of each recipient’s department.

These guidelines outline the selection criteria of the Public Service Award of Excellence and provide key points to assist you when submitting a nomination for an employee or team.

1.  Understanding the Selection Criteria

The award is open to individuals or teams employed at the time of their nomination in or by an organization named in Schedules I, IV and V of the Financial Administration Act, as well as the Canadian Forces. Partners from other governments or sectors, who are members of eligible teams mainly composed of public service employees, may be granted an Award.

There are seven categories that represent areas of particular importance:

A. Outstanding Career
B. Management Excellence
C. Innovation
D. Excellence in Citizen-focused Service Delivery
E. Employment Equity and Diversity
F. Official Languages
G. Exemplary Contribution under Extraordinary Circumstances

The criteria for each of these categories are described below.

A. Outstanding Career

This category recognizes the extraordinary achievements and/or efforts of individuals who, with a combination of human qualities and exceptional skill, have had a significant impact through the guidance they have provided and their actions. The successful candidates will have spent at least twenty (20) years in the federal public service.

The achievements and/or efforts will have been throughout their entire career and had an impact at either the departmental or public service level or towards Canadians.

The candidates must have achieved the following on an ongoing basis:

  • Show outstanding dedication to their work while maintaining a high level of commitment to public service values and ethics (e.g., respect, professionalism, integrity, etc);
  • Be a model and inspiration for other employees in their dedication to excellence; and
  • Advise, train or coach others in such a way that motivates colleagues to excel.

B. Management Excellence

This category recognizes managers/supervisors and/or groups who have achieved exceptional results through a demonstration of commitment and dedication to their departmental goals and priorities with professionalism, integrity and strong ethical behaviour in their day-to-day work while applying sound human and financial resources management practices.

Below are a few examples of the criteria that the selection committee will be looking at:

  • Engages people and partners in the creation of opportunities for innovation and continuous learning and in identifying and implementing innovative client service solutions.
  • Promotes the diversity of people and ideas, work/life balance, recognition and teamwork practices.
  • Recruits a representative workforce with the skills and experience needed now and in the future.
  • Mentors, empowers, coaches and supports employees in all the diverse phases of their professional lives.
  • Demonstrates strategic thinking and leadership by recognizing important issues, linking them to the collective vision and developing initiatives with long-term views and sustainable results that respond to government priorities.
  • Implements rigorous and comprehensive human and financial resources accountability systems consistent with the Management Accountability Framework (MAF).
  • Delivers concrete results through action management.
  • Demonstrates leadership in simultaneous business continuity and business enhancements or development while managing transitions impacting traditional departmental boundaries such as shared services and horizontal files.
  • Provides purpose by envisioning what is ahead and rallying people to face new challenges.
  • Embraces change as a continuous process for transformation and improvement.
  • Encourages colleagues and fellow employees to explore new perspectives and new ways of doing things when problem solving.
  • Demonstrates leadership in consultation, co-development and inclusion of union representatives, in an active and punctual manner.

C. Innovation

This category recognizes individuals with commitment, focus, drive and dedication to the public service across Canada, with an emphasis on the development of ideas and innovations.

The candidates must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Develops trend-setting initiatives that improve efficiency in operations or services and/or savings/benefits (internal or external) in the fields of science, technology, health, the environment, resources management, finances, learning, policy, etc.
  • Creates an original idea or unique adaptation of an existing program, process or concept resulting in a long-term benefit to the Public Service of Canada.
  • Develops and implements an innovative idea which demonstrates a measurable increase in efficiency and productivity.

D. Excellence in Citizen-focused Service Delivery

This category recognizes individuals and/or groups who provide better access to government information and services by giving efficient, effective and seamless service delivery that is delivered while maintaining a strong service ethic.

The candidates must meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Develops, manages and sustains strategic partnerships with other levels of government, private, volunteer or non-profit sectors that integrate both policy and service delivery to better serve Canadians.
  • Develops new tools and implements innovative solutions to improve access and delivery of programs and services to Canadians.
  • Applies new business models and skills to deliver services on-line.

E. Employment Equity and Diversity

This category recognizes individuals and/or groups who, through their ongoing diligence and commitment, are helping the public service to become representative and inclusive.

The candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Demonstrates leadership in the advancement of employment equity and diversity in the organization in such a way as to bring about a change in culture in the Public Service of Canada.
  • Demonstrates commitment and contribution to the integration of employment equity and diversity within human resources and business plans, practices and programs.
  • Creates an initiative or program that addresses the unique needs of one or more designated groups or improved corporate culture and shares best practices with other departments/agencies.

F. Official Languages

This category recognizes individuals and/or groups who, through their ongoing diligence and commitment, are ensuring the presence of both official languages in everyday work life.

The candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Demonstrates leadership in promoting both official languages in such a way as to bring about a change in culture that is more conducive to linguistic duality.
  • Demonstrates creativity in developing initiatives, innovative projects or other undertakings (such as creation of tools, good practices etc.) that yield tangible results in advancing official languages in the Public Service of Canada and shares best practices with other departments/agencies.

G. Exemplary Contribution under Extraordinary Circumstances

This category recognizes the performance of duties under extraordinary circumstances in a manner that constitutes a contribution of unusual merit to the Public Service of Canada.

2. Submitting a Nomination

Once you have identified an employee or a team to nominate, three key steps must be followed prior to submitting a nomination for the Public Service Award of Excellence:

  • complete a nomination form;
  • give a concrete example of the realization;
  • indicate if results were obtained with the help of consultants and, if so, to what end they were involved;
  • secure letters of endorsement;
  • and send it to your departmental award coordinator.

Completing the Nomination Form

The nomination form is available on line at or at Only one of the seven categories may be chosen per nomination.

Completing the Nomination Form for a Team

A team consists of a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 30 key employees who share a commitment to a common goal and work together to achieve particular objectives. Teams may be drawn from a single department or several departments or agencies within the public service.

When submitting a nomination form for a team:

  • Provide the official name of the team in both official languages as well as the name, complete mailing and e-mail address* and phone number of the team leader.
  • Provide a separate sheet that lists the names of each team member, including those from another department/agency, along with their complete mailing and e-mail address, home department and phone number.
  • Indicate which team member is the key contact from each department/agency, if the team comprises individuals working in different organizations.
  • Ensure that all key team members are included (i.e., those members who played a major role in the team).
  • Redefine the team to a more specific project or outcome, if your team is excessively large.

*Definition of complete address: Full name, title, division, branch, department, street address with floor and room number, city, province and postal code.

Securing Letters of Endorsement

Whether nominating an individual or a team, you must include a minimum of three letters of endorsement with each nomination. A maximum of five letters of endorsement may be submitted with each nomination. These letters of endorsement should be addressed to you, as the nominator. The nominator cannot sign any of these letters.

The writers of these endorsement letters should bear in mind the following:

  • Letters that are not related to the nomination will not be accepted.
  • Letters must refer specifically to the nomination and substantiate the reasons for supporting the nomination.
  • Nominations in the Excellence in Citizen-focused Service Delivery category have to include at least one letter from a client.
  • Nominations in the Management Excellence category for individuals have to include at least one letter signed by the majority of the individuals’ employees and one letter from management. Nominations for groups have to include at least one letter from management and one letter from a partner/client/stakeholder that can confirm the impact of the group in managing the results.

One Final Check

Take the time to ensure that your nomination form is complete and accompanied by at least three letters of endorsement. Incomplete nominations will not be accepted.

The most important day to keep in mind is February 10, 2006. This is the final deadline for all nominations. Nominations received after this date will not be considered for an award.

Please forward the original of the completed nomination to your departmental awards coordinator.

If you have any questions, please contact your departmental coordinator.