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The e-CareerShop Catalogue

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e-Career Shop

Your source for career and workplace information—now featuring resources for employers, immigrants and workers. Here you'll find current, well-researched and easy to understand career, learning and employment resources. Most of the print materials are available free of charge in Alberta.

You can also download many of our print publications in PDF format free of charge, obtaining quick and easy access to career, workplace and labour market information.

Browse, select, download and/or order everything you need from this section. You can view by subject heading, audience, category or format. For more information about placing an order, click How to Order on the left navigation bar.

Questions or requests about the e-CareerShop?

Alberta Human Resources and Employment
People, Skills and Workplace Resources
Phone: (780) 422-1794
Fax: (780) 422-5319


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