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Scholarships and Bursaries

Start here for Alberta scholarship and bursary information for post-secondary education.
What's new?
Check here for the latest on scholarships and bursaries.
View scholarship brochures.
What is a scholarship?
Learn about scholarships and awards.
Scholarships On-line

View scholarships and bursaries administered by Alberta Scholarship Programs alphabetically, by keyword, or by audience.

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Change my scholarship application information
Update your scholarship and bursary application information, as well as your address.
Scholarship/Bursary application forms
Find application forms here.

About the fund

Scholarships from Post-Secondary Institutions
Link to other scholarships and awards available through Alberta Post-Secondary Institutions (not administered by Alberta Scholarship Programs).
Scholarships from other organizations
Link to scholarships, awards and bursaries available through other organizations (not administered by Alberta Scholarship Programs).
Technical Help
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Scholarship and bursary questions? Here's help:

Phone: (780) 427-8640
To connect toll free in Alberta
dial: 310-0000

Students Finance questions? Here's help:

Students Finance

Career Services Near You

Alberta Youth Connections

Alberta Scholarships

Welcome to Alberta Scholarship Programs. Choose a category to the left to go directly to a specific area of interest. Use the "Scholarships On-line" search feature in the left column to view details about individual scholarships. View the complete list by clicking on "View alphabetically", or search by keyword, or search by audience.

Contact information:

    Alberta Scholarship Programs

    Mailing address:
    Alberta Scholarship Programs
    Box 28000 STN MAIN
    Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4R4

    In person:
    4th Floor, Sterling Place
    9940 106 Street, Edmonton, Alberta
    Click here for a map

    (780) 427-8640
    To be connected toll-free in Alberta dial: 310-0000

    (780) 427-1288



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