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Introduction to Rebates

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2006 - 2007 Rebate Year

October 2006 no rebate

2005 - 2006 Rebate Year

March 2006 $1.50/GJ rebate
February 2006 $1.50/GJ rebate
January 2006 $7.29/GJ rebate
December 2005 $3.25/GJ rebate
November 2005 $4.00/GJ rebate
October 2005 $3.51/GJ rebate

2004 - 2005 Rebate Year

March 2005 $1.50/GJ rebate
February 2005 $1.50/GJ rebate
January 2005 $1.50/GJ rebate
December 2004 $1.50/GJ rebate
November 2004 $2.50/GJ rebate

 2003 - 2004 Rebate Year

March 2004 $1.50/GJ rebate
February 2004 $1.50/GJ rebate
January 2004 $2.50/GJ rebate
December 2003  no rebate
November 2003  no rebate
When natural gas prices are above the trigger price of $5.50/gigajoule (GJ), the rebate program will be applied to natural gas bills.

Albertans will receive assistance during October through March when they typically use almost 80 per cent of their natural gas for the year and gas prices are traditionally highest. 

Traditionally, Albertans have paid less than other Canadians for natural gas. In 2005, Alberta's annual natural gas prices were about five per cent less than the national average even before the rebate program is factored in. Alberta's monthly natural gas rates may rise above prices in other areas temporarily in response to market prices; however, they also respond to falling prices faster.

Most consumers will see the rebate as a credit on their utility bill.

The rebate program also provides rebates to consumers of propane, heating oil and kerosene whenever a natural gas rebate is triggered.  The rebate program also includes customers of district heating systems.

Rebate program information
Rebates are triggered when consumer prices for two of the three regulated gas companies serving Alberta (Direct Energy Regulated Services North, Direct Energy Regulated Services South and AltaGas Utilities) exceed the $5.50 per GJ threshold.

If the price of natural gas for any of the winter months is... The rebate will be... Approximate cost of winter program in each month the rebate is in effect*
Over $5.50, up to $7.50/GJ $1.50/GJ $50 million
Over $7.50, up to $9.00/GJ $2.50/GJ $90 million
Over $9.00, up to $12.00/GJ $3.25/GJ $115 million
Over $12.00/GJ $3.25/GJ, plus a set per GJ amount determined by the Alberta price Price dependent
*Based on an average winter month

How is the rebate applied?

Homeowners, condominium associations, landlords, farms, businesses, municipal and community buildings and non-profit operations will receive rebates for the eligible months during the period of October to March. Landlords and condo associations are encouraged to consider the rebate program when determining rental rates and condo fees for units in buildings with shared meters.

Albertans who heat their homes with propane, kerosene, and heating oil can apply for equivalent rebates based on volumes purchased and delivered during the month in which a rebate has been declared.  Customers of district heating systems can also apply for rebates.

Eligible agriculture producers can apply for rebates for other months

Select agricultural consumers receive, for rebate purposes, six alternative months. These eligible consumers include commercial greenhouse operators, forage dehydrators, grain dryers and agriculture irrigators (natural gas, propane, heating oil and kerosene only).

Rebate application forms and guides

More information