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Driver Safety Head Graphic Driving on Winter Roads

Hitting the road - Taking what you really need for the winter journey

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Driving in the winter on Alberta roads can be a challenge for all drivers. Whether your journey involves an hour-long jaunt or a full day's drive, safe driving in winter requires planning ahead before you hit the road.

For your comfort and safety--in addition to your peace of mind--you should carry an emergency road kit. This kit should be stored in the trunk or cargo space of your vehicle and should include:

ice scraper
snow brush
sand, salt or kitty litter
booster cables
warm gloves
extra clothing and footwear
emergency food supplies
axe or hatchet
candle in a deep tin
fire extinguisher
paper towels or rags
First-aid kit
road map

Before any winter trip, particularly a long road trip, you should have your vehicle winterized and checked by a qualified auto technician.

Now, start thinking about winter driving. Prepare yourself for the journey by checking weather conditions before you venture out. Inquire about road conditions for the route you are travelling to ensure these roads are in safe travelling condition. If roads or visibility are poor, remind yourself of a few safety tips:

  • Leave earlier to get to your destination.
  • Take a few minutes to warm the vehicle in colder temperatures.
  • Make sure you always have at least half a tank of gas.
  • Keep your headlights on all the times.
  • The posted speed limit is set for ideal road conditions - slow down when conditions aren't ideal.
  • Extend your following distance under adverse weather or road conditions.
  • Know your braking system and how it reacts on ice.

Keep your radio tuned to local stations for weather bulletins or warnings. Don't take the chance if the weather is bad or road conditions are hazardous. Wait until it's safe to make the trip.

There is no place you need to be that is worth risking your safety or the well being of others. Enjoying the holiday season starts with arriving not only alive but safe and sound.


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