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Welcome to the Parkinson Society Canada

Parkinson Society Canada is a not for profit, national charitable organization. The Society raises money through corporate sponsorships, public donations, and planned gifts. Finding the cause and cure for Parkinson's disease remains our chief mission. However, while we wait for answers, we must not forget the patients and caregivers. New publications, increased patient conferences, clinical assistance programs, as well as other projects also require your support and funding. While we have come a long way towards raising Parkinson's disease in the consciousness of Canadians, we have more to do.

We must do more and can do more, with your help. Your support is crucial. Canadian research into the nature and cure for Parkinson's has contributed to astounding discoveries, and for the first time researchers can see a day when we will find the cause and cure for Parkinson's. Your commitment can make all the difference.

You can help by calling 1 800-565-3000 and asking for the Donations Department now or by entering the donation section of this site.




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© 2005 Parkinson Society Canada  |  Charitable registration number: 10809 1786 RR0001