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Defence Learning Network
Learning tools and career development opportunities for all members of the Defence Team

The DLN is a joint ADM(HR-Mil) and ADM(HR-Civ) initiative designed to meet the Department’s need for an effective, standardized and contemporary continuous learning and distributed learning capability.

It will dramatically increase CF member/DND employee access to learning through modern technologies and an enhanced department-wide network.

At its heart is learning “anywhere, anytime and just-in-time” and “just enough” (modular training).

The DLN will address main deficiencies that have been identified in the current DND/CF training and education system. They include:

  • the need to train faster and in less time.
  • providing the right training at the right time to meet our operational commitments.
  • integrating training with workplace activities.
  • reducing the amount of time spent away from home on training (Quality of Life).
  • better harmonization of military and civilian training and education policies and services.

To accomplish this, the DLN is made up of several components (Learning and Career Centres, Learning Management Platform and the National Centre of Excellence), all of which are supported by an IM/IT network communications backbone.


What kind of services?
You can get professional development, training and education advice and other career services from counsellors at the Learning and Career Centres. [Find out more]

If you are an employee of DND or a member of the CF, please visit the Student section for more information.

If you are a Learning Facilitator, please visit the Learning Facilitators page for articles of interest to you.

If you are a courseware developer, instructional designer or instructor, please visit the Developer page for links, books and discussion groups.


Learning... anywhere, anytime, just-in-time.
Students/LearnersLearning FacilitatorsCourseware Developers