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Human Resources 2020 is our People strategy for the future. It integrates people-centred concerns into the larger strategic planning process of the Canadian Forces. It identifies long-range strategic HR objectives and links them to today’s CF planning process. Most importantly, it lays the foundation for a Canadian Forces people management strategy to meet the opportunities and the challenges that lie ahead.

For printed copies please call the Directorate of Strategic Human Resources 7 at 992-4847.

If the following document is not accessible to you, please contact Josée Leclerc, at LECLERC.JMA@FORCES.GC.CA, (613) 992-4847 for assistance.

Military HR Strategy 2020 (PDF)

"Section four: Strategy to Action"
Paragraph two (2), page 28 (PDF file) or page 20 (printed copy).

The last sentence should read: "The new workforces composition of the CF is educated and highly talented and leaders must expand their leadership competencies to include a more transformational style."